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Harnessing diversity for agricultural resilience – Episode 61
With the right support, every rural person can rise above challenges and drive development. From Malawi to Brazil, hear from the farmers rewriting the agricultural narrative.
Restoring ecosystems from the ground up
Dwindling water sources and severe droughts are degrading soils. But it’s not too late to restore ecosystems – if rural people take the lead.
Africa Fertilizer and Soil Health Summit: A Catalyst for Change in African Agriculture
The African continent loses a staggering US$4 billion worth of soil nutrients annually due to erosion. This loss affects over 485 million people and threatens food security. To address this major challenge and obstacle to feed its growing population, the African Union (AU) convened the Africa Fertilizer and Soil Health (AFSH) summit in May, in Nairobi Kenya.
El FIDA y el Grupo BID estrechan lazos de colaboración en favor de la población rural e indígena de América Latina y el Caribe
El FIDA y el Grupo Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (Grupo BID) firmaron hoy un memorando de entendimiento para reforzar el apoyo que brindan a la población rural e indígena de América Latina y el Caribe, especialmente en la Amazonía.
El FIDA reafirma su compromiso con los productores de papa en América Latina
Con motivo del primer Día Internacional de la Papa, el FIDA ha reafirmado hoy su compromiso de seguir invirtiendo en los productores de papa en América Latina con el fin de preservar este recurso natural, cultural e identitario, que juega un papel clave en la lucha contra el hambre y la malnutrición en todo el mundo.
Supporting farmers with disabilities in Uganda
Ugandan farmer, Fred Ouma, lost his sight ten years ago. Unable to contribute to his family, Fred became depressed, and his family suffered.
How diverse crops create a safety net for Solomon Islanders
Bringing back dietary diversity is crucial to building resilience and ensuring Solomon Islanders can always access enough nutritious food, even in times of crisis.