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Four questions with IFAD’s new Vice-President
Meet IFAD’s new Vice-President. Gerardine Mukeshimana discusses the importance of investing in rural communities, climate change adaptation and giving women access to resources.
Call for proposals: IFAD grant financing the implementation of a project on "Innovative regenerative agriculture approaches to improve resilience and food security"
The Near East, North Africa, Eastern Europe and Central Asia Division of IFAD is pleased to share this call for proposals aimed at selecting a recipient or consortium of recipients to receive an IFAD grant.
10 ways to reduce food loss: lessons from the field
Food loss occurring after harvest and before retail sale, also termed post-harvest loss, is a key challenge in many developing countries and one that IFAD is committed to alleviate.
This is what sustainable development looks like: How IFAD projects reap rewards long after they end
Investing in rural communities is a long-term solution to many of the problems the world is facing – but projects must keep giving, long after they’ve come to an end. Find out more about IFAD’s longtail impacts across the globe.
France, Norway and Spain make landmark financial commitments to IFAD, as President urges others to follow suit
After France and Norway announced their highest-ever financial contributions to IFAD yesterday, preceded by Spain’s pledge of a four-fold increase last week, IFAD President Alvaro Lario is calling on leaders to urgently follow suit.
Counting the cost of malnutrition - Episode 48
In this episode, we’re tackling malnutrition, with a spotlight on an intriguing report on obesity in developing countries.
Fitch Ratings confirms AA+ rating for the International Fund for Agricultural Development
Fitch Ratings confirmed IFAD Long-Term Issuer Default Rating (IDR) at 'AA+' with a Stable Outlook.
El FIDA impulsó la formación digital de 2,400 jóvenes en Bolivia, Colombia y Honduras para revalorizar la ruralidad en las redes sociales
Con el objetivo de revalorizar la ruralidad desde el protagonismo juvenil, el FIDA premió hoy en su sede en Roma a los jóvenes ganadores del Concurso de YouTubers y TikTokers Rurales, provenientes de Bolivia, Colombia y Honduras.
How IFAD promotes peace
Poverty is both a symptom and a driver of conflict. That’s why IFAD supports the poorest and most marginalized people as they contribute to a more peaceful world where everyone can access dignified work that fosters shared economic prosperity.