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Second round of National Calls for Proposals (Kenya and Uganda): Supporting remittances in times of crisis in Africa

The Financing Facility for Remittances of IFAD is pleased to announce the second round of National Calls for Proposals (Kenya, Uganda) 2021: supporting remittances in times of crisis in Africa.

African Development Bank, IFAD and partners redouble efforts to stop hunger in Africa and strengthen food security

The African Development Bank and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), in partnership with the Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA) and the CGIAR System Organization, today pledged to work closely with African leaders to address rising hunger on the continent and shore up adequate financing to transform and modernize Africa’s food production.

Building climate resilient agriculture

Those who have the most to lose as a consequence of climate change are poor rural people, especially smallholders who rely on agriculture for survival.

Boosting food security in the Pacific with innovative technologies

Who could have predicted that two innovative mobile applications, each the winner of a Pacific Agrihack Lab grant in late 2018, would go on to make a difference in the lives of Pacific Islanders during the pandemic?

The Maasai of Kenya and the Red Maasai sheep slow food presidium

The rights of indigenous peoples to control their land according to their own needs and decisions is fundamental to protect their livelihoods and defend the biodiversity of native animal breeds and plant varieties.

Farming, COVID, and Farmers’ Mental Health - Episode 19

We begin this month’s episode with the latest from IFAD’s Associate Vice-President Donal Brown on how small-scale farmers are dealing with the COVID-19 crisis.

Struggle, strength and wisdom: Snapshots of Bangladesh’s women farmers

The story of agriculture in Bangladesh is also a story of the resilience of Bangladeshi women. If women have the chance to participate in decision-making, the whole community benefits.

What we are reading on food systems

As we approach the UN Food Systems Summit here are some suggested reads on transforming our food systems for people, and planet.

Feeding Africa: Leadership to Scale up Successful Innovations

The African Development Bank and IFAD, in partnership with the Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA) and the CGIAR System Organization, will co-host a high-level dialogue: Feeding Africa: leadership to scale up successful innovations.
