

Search Results

09 APR

Brazil: New IFAD-funded project to promote payment for environmental services will foster agroforestry transition in cocoa production areas in Bahia

Languages: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
09 APR

Senior IFAD official to meet Ministers and small-scale farmers in Zambia to promote agricultural transformation

Languages: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
02 APR

Somalia and IFAD sign new financial agreement to strengthen food security and build resilience in rural areas

Languages: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
22 MAR

IFAD establishes a new Multi-Donor Funding Facility to support the Joint Sahel Programme

Languages: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
19 MAR

IFAD and Montenegro sign financing agreement to support climate adaptation in Northern mountainous areas

Languages: English
19 MAR

Alvaro Lario: “Without family farming, we would not have eaten today”

Languages: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
15 MAR

IFAD and WFP work together to combat hunger in fragile contexts

Languages: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
14 MAR

Migrant Contributions for Development Call for Proposals 2024 for the Kyrgyz Republic

Languages: English
14 MAR

Migrant Contributions for Development Call for Proposals 2024 for Tajikistan

Languages: English
07 MAR

IFAD and partners to build resilience of smallholder farmers to climate change impacts in seven Sahelian Countries

Languages: English, French
07 MAR

Investing in women and girls makes economic sense and accelerates progress for millions of people

Languages: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
06 MAR

IFAD and JICA Renew their Memorandum of Cooperation for Rural Development, Food and Nutrition Security

Languages: English
05 MAR

EU and IFAD launch new initiative to strengthen financial inclusion by boosting digital remittances in Central Asia

Languages: English, French
01 MAR

Building resilience, empowering communities: new fisheries project set to transform lives in Mozambique

Languages: English, Portuguese
29 FEB

Global food crisis, poor nutrition and the effects of climate change need urgent action, says IFAD President

Languages: English
27 FEB

MOPAN assessment of IFAD 2023

Languages: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
15 FEB

IFAD Member States approve ambitious $2 bn plan to reduce hunger and poverty for 100 million rural people

Languages: Arabic, English, Spanish, French, Italian
14 FEB

IFAD highlights the transformative power of innovation for small-scale farmers

Languages: Arabic, English, Spanish, French, Italian
09 FEB

Global leaders harness the power of innovation for small-scale farmers at IFAD’s 47th Governing Council

Languages: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
08 FEB

El FIDA insta a entidades públicas y privadas a acelerar las inversiones en desarrollo rural en Perú

Languages: Spanish


Media contacts

Asset Publisher

Alberto Trillo Barca

Communication Officer, Global Media

[email protected]

Caroline Chaumont

Communication and Media Outreach Officer

[email protected]