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Call for proposals: IFAD grant for Programme in Rural Monitoring & Evaluation Phase III
Joint IFAD and IDB project in Brazil will improve the lives of 210,000 rural people in the semiarid Piauí State
La CEPAL y el FIDA proponen redefinir el concepto de ruralidad para mejorar las políticas públicas e impulsar la agenda de desarrollo socioeconómico
Ahead of Davos, IFAD acts to increase concessional blended financing to encourage vital private sector investments in rural economies
World leaders support IFAD's urgent call for increased investment in rural communities and future global food security - Angola and France lead the way
Bolivia: El FIDA promueve el intercambio de conocimientos rumbo al Año Internacional de los Camélidos
The USA contributes US$50 million to a new multi-donor trust fund addressing climate and food crises hosted by UN's IFAD
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