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UN’s IFAD goes to Ireland calling for increased funding to rural people in bid to curb global food insecurity
Miles de familias rurales del VRAEM invirtieron 230 millones de soles junto al FIDA y el Gobierno de Perú para mejorar sus ingresos y fortalecer su capacidad agraria
A growing number of the world’s poorest countries are first to step up support to IFAD in fight to reduce hunger and poverty
Media advisory: IFAD President Alvaro Lario visits India to advocate for small-scale farmers and rural communities at G20 meeting
IFAD reaffirms commitment to help Pacific Islands cope with climate change impacts and boost rural livelihoods
IFAD President visit to China reinforces longstanding partnership to transform rural lives
Harnessing the potential of remittance flows and diaspora investments for international development: more than $600 billion is sent home annually
IFAD project helps preserve the Brazilian Amazon Rainforest and improve communities' lives
EIB and IFAD deepen collaboration to strengthen food security, climate adaption and expedite project implementation
La escuela móvil de cocina Miska recorre Bolivia para formar a cientos de jóvenes emprendedores rurales
IFAD, GAFSP and WFP announce partnership to support Bhutan’s transition to commercially oriented agroecological farming
Appel à propositions: Programme mondial pour les petits producteurs agroécologiques et la transformation durable des systèmes alimentaires (GP-SAEP) – Burkina Faso
Appel à propositions: Programme mondial pour les petits producteurs agroécologiques et la transformation durable des systèmes alimentaires (GP-SAEP) – Madagascar
El FIDA promueve la inversión en negocios agrarios rurales de América Latina y el Caribe para asegurar el suministro mundial de alimentos
IFAD President and President of Kenya agree to accelerate agriculture and adapt to climate crisis
IFAD President Alvaro Lario meets Minister Tetsuro Nomura and joins the G7 Agriculture Ministers' Meeting in Miyazaki, Japan
10 000 productores rurales ecuatorianos transformarán sus medios de vida gracias a un proyecto de USD 30 millones apoyado por el FIDA
IFAD officials to meet government authorities and small-scale farmers in Angola
YouTubers y TikTokers rurales de Bolivia, Colombia y Honduras promocionan su entorno con apoyo del FIDA
UN Agency IFAD becomes a voting member of the ICMA principles, providing investors with another reason to bank on rural development
IFAD, the UN’s rural development agency, and India deepen shared commitment to build resilient rural livelihoods
IFAD President in Germany stresses “importance to invest in building long-term resilience” in rural communities
38 665 000 EUR du FIDA pour soutenir l’insertion économique et professionnelle des jeunes ruraux maliens