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Seeds to riches: The story of a 29-year-old millionaire
September 2020
Sumaka Japhet is a young rice seed cultivator and agricultural entrepreneur. We had heard of his success and local fame as a millionaire – and during one of our field visits, we travelled a long and bumpy road to meet him.
Reaping the rewards: Infrastructure brings opportunities for rural Chinese livestock farmers
August 2020
The villages of Naihe and Zhaowa, nestled in the hilly Liupanshan area of China’s Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, are surrounded by world-famous rugged beauty.
Holding on: IFAD-supported programme sustains assets – and rural livelihoods
August 2020
The restrictions put in place to contain the spread of COVID-19 in Pakistan were designed to keep the population safe and healthy, but have spelled severe losses for many rural businesses.
Nepali youth prepare for their dream jobs with IFAD-supported courses
August 2020
Ranjana Chaudhary’s story sounds like the stories of many thousands, if not millions, of young people in Nepal.
Shining the development spotlight on youth
August 2020
As a result of the pandemic, the equivalent of 400 million full-time jobs have already been lost worldwide, and a further 71 million to 100 million people could consequently be pushed into extreme poverty.
Indigenous youth in agriculture during COVID-19
August 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic has forced many people to re-examine everything: their priorities, their jobs, even their roles in society.
Smartphones keep track of IFAD projects’ achievements and challenges in Brazil during COVID-19
July 2020
For all the chaos they bring, crises also have a way of giving birth to unexpected opportunities. One way they do this is by urging people to develop new tools to help them resist disaster.
Free-range chicken farming a success in remote Viet Nam
July 2020
At first, when Nguyen Thi Bich decided to try her hand at highland chicken farming, she didn’t quite know what to expect.
Member State delegates welcome Special Envoys in support of IFAD’s Twelfth Replenishment
July 2020
IFAD’s Twelfth Replenishment (IFAD12) comes at a critical juncture. Hunger is on the rise across the globe, and progress against poverty has come to a standstill.
Annual Report 2019 reaffirms the importance of IFAD’s investments in challenging times
July 2020
In 2020, the world is seeing once again that when crisis strikes, it is the poorest and most vulnerable people who suffer the most.