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Idris and Sabrina Elba call for investments in rural agriculture to fight rising hunger

October 2020
For Idris Elba, returning to Sierra Leone late last year was about two things: reconnecting with his roots and learning about the challenges facing the country where his father was born, so that he could become a better advocate for its people

“Cashroots” movement builds community resilience in the Solomon Islands

October 2020

Simon Chottu works hard and plays hard. An events manager by trade, he’s spent the last few years hosting hip-hop parties and organizing music events and competitions across the South Pacific. 

Rural women: The key to building back better in a post-COVID world

October 2020

In times of crisis, rural women are the key that holds families and rural communities together – and in times like these, they need our support more than ever.

Nourishing a sustainable cocoa trade in the Solomon Islands

October 2020

On a dusty side street in Auki, a seaside market town on the island of Malaita, Arania Enterprises is bustling.

IFAD-supported projects help women come back to the countryside

October 2020

Life in the countryside isn’t always easy – especially for rural women, whose contributions and successes have only recently begun to receive the attention they deserve.

Taking back springtime: IFAD-supported project revitalizes irrigation in remote China

October 2020
The return of spring to Santiaogou, a tiny village nestled high in China’s remote, mountainous Qinghai province, should have been idyllic.

Towards zero food waste in Indonesia’s fishing communities

September 2020

Along Indonesia’s coastal communities, many small-scale fishers struggle to make a living. Indonesia is the world’s third largest producer of fish, but many of these communities have historically lacked access to the technology and resources they needed to preserve their catch until it reaches the markets, which are usually far from their rural coastal inlets.

Keeping food on the table and preventing food loss when business is not as usual

September 2020
We are living in difficult times. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and all the fallout that has ensued, nothing is quite as easy as it was – unless, of course, you can do it from the comfort of your home, armed with a smartphone and a good internet connection. 

Rome-based agencies establish SSTC collaboration to benefit cassava production in the Congo

September 2020
In dozens of homes across Bouenza, the volunteers gathered around their kitchen tables, ready to taste-test a new variety of flour.

On the UN’s 75th anniversary, IFAD joins the call for greater global cooperation and solidarity

September 2020
This year marks the 75th anniversary of the United Nations, an organization whose commitment is to bring nations together to preserve peace and security and improve lives. IFAD is symbolic of that commitment.

Seeds to riches: The story of a 29-year-old millionaire

September 2020
Sumaka Japhet is a young rice seed cultivator and agricultural entrepreneur. We had heard of his success and local fame as a millionaire – and during one of our field visits, we travelled a long and bumpy road to meet him.

Reaping the rewards: Infrastructure brings opportunities for rural Chinese livestock farmers

August 2020
The villages of Naihe and Zhaowa, nestled in the hilly Liupanshan area of China’s Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, are surrounded by world-famous rugged beauty. 

Holding on: IFAD-supported programme sustains assets – and rural livelihoods

August 2020

The restrictions put in place to contain the spread of COVID-19 in Pakistan were designed to keep the population safe and healthy, but have spelled severe losses for many rural businesses.

Nepali youth prepare for their dream jobs with IFAD-supported courses

August 2020

Ranjana Chaudhary’s story sounds like the stories of many thousands, if not millions, of young people in Nepal.

Shining the development spotlight on youth

August 2020
As a result of the pandemic, the equivalent of 400 million full-time jobs have already been lost worldwide, and a further 71 million to 100 million people could consequently be pushed into extreme poverty.

Indigenous youth in agriculture during COVID-19

August 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced many people to re-examine everything: their priorities, their jobs, even their roles in society.

Smartphones keep track of IFAD projects’ achievements and challenges in Brazil during COVID-19

July 2020

For all the chaos they bring, crises also have a way of giving birth to unexpected opportunities. One way they do this is by urging people to develop new tools to help them resist disaster. 

Free-range chicken farming a success in remote Viet Nam

July 2020

At first, when Nguyen Thi Bich decided to try her hand at highland chicken farming, she didn’t quite know what to expect.

Member State delegates welcome Special Envoys in support of IFAD’s Twelfth Replenishment

July 2020
IFAD’s Twelfth Replenishment (IFAD12) comes at a critical juncture. Hunger is on the rise across the globe, and progress against poverty has come to a standstill. 

Annual Report 2019 reaffirms the importance of IFAD’s investments in challenging times

July 2020
In 2020, the world is seeing once again that when crisis strikes, it is the poorest and most vulnerable people who suffer the most. 

From project participant to project staff: Priscilla Torres’s story of growth

July 2020
Although you won’t find the little village of Wowetta on any Internet map, it’s the centre of the universe for Priscilla Torres, a 37-year-old Wapishana woman. A very active and outspoken mother of three, Priscilla is a true community leader.

Social media helps young rural Kenyan entrepreneurs battle the COVID-19 shutdown

July 2020

Until COVID-19 hit in March, the G-Star Youth Group’s banana processing factory was buzzing with activity.

The importance of data management for pastoral communities

July 2020
Globally, between 200 and 500 million pastoralists manage rangelands that cover over a third of the Earth’s landmass. 

Indigenous knowledge – and resilience – in a COVID-19 world

July 2020
It is increasingly clear that human health and our relationship with nature are inescapably intertwined. This holds true across many dimensions of health, including the potential for the transmission of disease – just as we are seeing with the current COVID-19 pandemic. 

The red gold of Azilal: How thyme and saffron empower women in Morocco's High Atlas

July 2020

Fatima Amaguar came home from university with an idea. 

One small step: Empowering micro-, small and medium businesses across South Asia

July 2020

It is something of a paradox that, while there is broad agreement that micro-, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) are an integral part of the economy in developing countries, they remain underserved.

Looking inward: I-Kiribati fight a double health crisis

June 2020
COVID-19 is not the only health crisis threatening to devastate the population of Kiribati. Cases of diet-related non-communicable diseases (NCDs) have tripled between 2005 and 2010. 

From La Paz to Turco: Going back to the roots to start a new life

June 2020
Guadalupe Moller lives in Turco, a small community in rural western Bolivia. She’d spent most of her life in La Paz, Bolivia’s capital, but four years ago she moved back to Turco, where her family’s roots are.

Keeping exports flowing: Saving development gains in Rwanda

June 2020
When exports of dried pineapple resumed at the beginning of May, after the lockdown, Jean Damascène Hakuzimana, President of the Tuzamurane farmers’ cooperative, was relieved.

On tap: How regular water supply helped farmers discover a green thumb in Bhutan

June 2020

Despite the lush greenery that surrounds Ngarpongtang village in Thangrong, Bhutan, until recently, it was impossible to grow vegetables there. “I used to have to go to other villages to exchange pinewood for vegetables,” says Wangdi, a 54-year-old farmer. “We couldn’t get vegetables to grow here.”
