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CARD: Assessing data for climate-friendly action in rural contexts
Forging tools to catalyse food production in Senegal
World Bee Day - High-altitude honey
The capital difference: Expanding horticulture in Rwanda
Recommended books on Indigenous Peoples
Community gardens in the Gambia: one solution, many benefits
A tool to make rural investments more resilient
Transforming innovative ideas into sustainable agriculture in West and Central Africa
Ideas are the lifeblood of innovation. To accelerate rural transformation while tackling rural poverty, food insecurity, nutrition, job creation and climate change, innovative ideas are needed.
How increased access to water shortens the path towards sustainable development in the Sahel
Every day Dienaba Sow travels 3.5 kilometres from her home in Hodio village towards Toung, in Senegal's Louga region, to collect water for her family's daily needs.
A new development paradigm - BAPA+40
A conference taking place this week in Buenos Aires, Argentina reminds us that developing countries today look as much to each other for help along their path to development as they do to the developed world.
Highlights from IFAD's Governing Council
Pope Francis set the tone for the 42nd session of IFAD’s annual Governing Council meeting (14 - 15 February) by saying that hunger can be made a part of the world’s past, but only if all institutions and people work together, and only if these efforts are owned locally and driven by those who are suffering most, as architects of their own development.
EAT-Lancet Commission Brief for Farmers
Change starts at home – Addressing gender imbalances and climate issues through household methodologies
IFAD is piloting the use of household methodologies (HHMs) for gender equality and climate change adaptation as a way to accelerate progress towards the economic empowerment of rural women in Rwanda.
Ten books to read this winter
IFAD welcomes the European Union’s commitment to a new impact fund targeting small agribusinesses across emerging markets
Building bridges between smallholders and financial markets
From Africa to Brazil and back: empowering youth through South-South learning exchange
Major international discussions draw to a close in Poland
Acting now: enforcing global action to limit further warming of the planet
Angela Merkel sends message of support that includes IFAD at Global Citizens’ Mandela 100 Festival
Germany Chancellor Angela Merkel calls on the international community to increase food production and help create jobs in rural areas to help defeat poverty and hunger.