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CARD: Assessing data for climate-friendly action in rural contexts

June 2019
Datasets on crop production increasingly need to take climate change into consideration, given its potentially profound repercussions for agriculture.

Forging tools to catalyse food production in Senegal

May 2019
In 1992, Khadim Thiam established a tiny workshop in Tambacounda, Senegal, to produce agricultural equipment, such as hoes, seed drills, ploughs and animal-traction carts.

World Bee Day - High-altitude honey

May 2019
In the Sierra Norte mountain range in Mexico lives a special breed of bee. Known locally as pisilnekmej, the Scaptotrigona Mexicana is a member of the family native to the American continent whose distinctive trait is that they have no sting.

The capital difference: Expanding horticulture in Rwanda

May 2019
Including smallholder farmers in Rwanda in the production and export of cash crops is vital to increasing their incomes and ultimately to reducing rural poverty. 

Recommended books on Indigenous Peoples

April 2019
The United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII) will be held on 22 April to 3 May in New York. Here is our shortlist of books on the diverse issues affecting Indigenous Peoples around the world that will be discussed at the Forum.

Community gardens in the Gambia: one solution, many benefits

April 2019
Anyone who stops by Berefet notices how local people cherish the community garden in this small village in the western Gambia.

A tool to make rural investments more resilient

April 2019
Climate change has made crop production more unpredictable – if rainfall helped this harvest, an unexpected drought could destroy the next. So how can one decide to invest in millet in Chad's Kanem region or if it's too risky put money in wheat in Lesotho's Thaba-Tseka?

Transforming innovative ideas into sustainable agriculture in West and Central Africa

March 2019

Ideas are the lifeblood of innovation. To accelerate rural transformation while tackling rural poverty, food insecurity, nutrition, job creation and climate change, innovative ideas are needed. 

How increased access to water shortens the path towards sustainable development in the Sahel

March 2019

Every day Dienaba Sow travels 3.5 kilometres from her home in Hodio village towards Toung, in Senegal's Louga region, to collect water for her family's daily needs.

A new development paradigm - BAPA+40

March 2019

A conference taking place this week in Buenos Aires, Argentina reminds us that developing countries today look as much to each other for help along their path to development as they do to the developed world.

Highlights from IFAD's Governing Council

February 2019

Pope Francis set the tone for the 42nd session of IFAD’s annual Governing Council meeting (14 - 15 February) by saying that hunger can be made a part of the world’s past, but only if all institutions and people work together, and only if these efforts are owned locally and driven by those who are suffering most, as architects of their own development.

EAT-Lancet Commission Brief for Farmers

February 2019
The EAT-Lancet Commission presents a global planetary health diet that is healthy for both people and planet. Discover the report’s key takeaways and the specific actions that farmers can take to contribute to the Great Food Transformation.

Change starts at home – Addressing gender imbalances and climate issues through household methodologies

January 2019

IFAD is piloting the use of household methodologies (HHMs) for gender equality and climate change adaptation as a way to accelerate progress towards the economic empowerment of rural women in Rwanda.

Ten books to read this winter

December 2018
We asked colleagues for their recommended reading on issues relevant to global development from gender to development to finance. If you are looking to read something a little more serious this holiday season, check out our list below.

IFAD welcomes the European Union’s commitment to a new impact fund targeting small agribusinesses across emerging markets

December 2018
The European Union has committed €45 million to the establishment of a new impact fund that will boost investments in small rural agribusinesses across emerging markets.

Building bridges between smallholders and financial markets

December 2018
One of the major challenges facing smallholders is getting adequate and cost-efficient protection against price volatility and climate-related impacts on production.

From Africa to Brazil and back: empowering youth through South-South learning exchange

December 2018
Seven women and men from Ghana, Cameroon, Nigeria and Ivory Coast take part in a one-week learning exchange programme in Brazil focused on climate resilient post-harvest management of cassava.

Major international discussions draw to a close in Poland

December 2018
An international conference in Poland will try to finalise a deal on how to tackle climate change, but delegates from almost 200 countries are yet to agree on how to implement the Paris climate accord reached three years ago.

Acting now: enforcing global action to limit further warming of the planet

December 2018
Delegates from some 200 countries are meeting for two weeks of talks on tackling climate change in Katowice, Poland at an event hosted by the United Nations.

Angela Merkel sends message of support that includes IFAD at Global Citizens’ Mandela 100 Festival

December 2018

Germany Chancellor Angela Merkel calls on the international community to increase food production and help create jobs in rural areas to help defeat poverty and hunger.
