Rural Enterprises Project

IFAD Asset Request Portlet

Asset Publisher

Rural Enterprises Project

Rural Enterprises Project

This project was the first phase of the ongoing Rural Enterprises Project. It helped reduce poverty by promoting the development of small-scale, non-agricultural enterprises. It built upon government economic reforms to help private rural entrepreneurs access technical, financial and business services and take advantage of the recently liberalized economy.

Assisted by the project, new and existing businesses stimulated additional economic activity. This reduced local unemployment and poverty. The project's training programmes in technology and business skills were particularly successful in creating viable new businesses and in improving existing ones. This led to higher incomes for entrepreneurs and expanded opportunities for wage employment.

Source: IFAD

Status: Closed
Approval Date
02 December 1993
1993 - 2002
Rural Development
Total Project Cost
US$ 9.3 million
IFAD Financing
US$ 7.67 million
Co-financiers (Domestic)
National Government US$ 1.18 million
Financing terms
Highly Concessional
Project ID

President's reports

Project design reports

Supervision and implementation support documents

Environmental and social impact assessment

Final environmental and social management framework

Interim (mid-term) review report

Resettlement action framework

PCR digest

Special study

Project list

Audit and Financial Statements

Project completion report

