Marine and Agricultural Resources Support (MARS) Programme

IFAD Asset Request Portlet

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Marine and Agricultural Resources Support Programme

Marine and Agricultural Resources Support (MARS) Programme

This programme is designed to improve the livelihoods of the most vulnerable households in Mauritius, particularly those dependent on marine resources, sugar cane production and employment in the textiles industry. Its target groups are:

  • Small-scale fishing communities on both Mauritius and Rodrigues Islands, including women who fish for octopus on Rodrigues
  • Unemployed textile workers
  • Small-scale sugar cane farmers and labourers
  • Households affected by natural disasters or epidemics.

The programme supports the government's reform agenda by demonstrating improved practices in development implementation. It introduces sustainable marine resource management and helps poor households in coastal communities establish profitable enterprises that do not put the resource base at risk.

In addition, the programme investigates and develops alternative activities, such as small-scale aquaculture of octopus and varieties of lobster, crab and clam, and small-scale seaweed production. Producers are being trained to ensure that these high-value marine products meet the standards of the luxury hotels on the islands.

Finally, the programme works to improve farm productivity and diversify rural livelihoods by helping poor rural people establish profitable non-farm enterprises and acquire skills to gain employment in other areas.

Source: IFAD

Status: Closed
Approval Date
24 April 2008
2008 - 2013
Agricultural Development
Total Project Cost
US$ 14.93 million
IFAD Financing
US$ 6 million
Co-financiers (Domestic)
National Government US$ 6.92 million
Financing terms
Project ID
Project Contact
Nadine Dominique Ms Gbossa

Project design reports

Supervision and implementation support documents

Supervision and implementation support documents

Environmental and social impact assessment

Final environmental and social management framework

Interim (mid-term) review report

Resettlement action framework

PCR digest

Special study

Project list

Audit and Financial Statements

Project completion report

