Agricultural, Fishery and Forestry Productive Systems Development Programme in RAAN and RAAS Indigenous Territories (NICARIBE)
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Agricultural, Fishery and Forestry Productive Systems Development Programme in RAAN and RAAS Indigenous Territories
The programme aims at improving the incomes of 20,000 poor rural indigenous households and Afro-descendants living in the seven territories and other rural people settled in the area. It will do so through enhanced production, sustainable natural resources management and development, and stronger community organizations.
The programme will be implemented in seven territorial units in three agroecological zones. Two of these zones – Río Coco and Minas – are located in the North Atlantic Autonomous Region (RAAN), and one – Laguna de Perlas Basin – in the South Atlantic Autonomous Region (RAAS).
The programme aligned with IFAD's country strategic opportunities programme (COSOP) and with IFAD Policy on Engagement with Indigenous Peoples will respond to the needs of indigenous peoples and Afro-descendants by building upon their culture and identity and will:
- raise the incomes of beneficiary families
- strengthen the management capacity of local organizations and the seven territorial governments
- build institutional capacity on fiduciary issues
Source: IFAD