Integrated Livelihoods Support Project
Asset Publisher
Integrated Livelihood Support Project
This project will support poverty reduction in Uttarakhand, a predominantly rural hill state, by promoting sustainable livelihood opportunities for 143,400 rural households. Priority target groups include small rural producers, women, scheduled-caste households and young people.
The food-security component of the project will support crop and livestock production, higher-value cash crops and other forms of economic development products – such as rural tourism – to provide cash incomes.
Additional project components include:
- participatory watershed development using processes that have been established through a series of development projects in the state
- financing of livelihoods through social-venture capital invested in rural enterprises
- coordination and monitoring, with individual project management units and project directors at the partner agencies implementing each component.
The project will also support vocational training linked to job placement, with a target of 10,000 training slots, to improve access to employment in the non-farm sector.
President's reports
President's reports
Project design reports
Supervision and implementation support documents
Supervision and implementation support documents
Supervision Mission Report 2017
Year: 2017
Supervision mission, September 2017
Year: 2017
Supervision mission, April 2015
Year: 2015
Supervision Mission, April 2014
Year: 2014
Environmental and social impact assessment
Final environmental and social management framework
Interim (mid-term) review report
Interim (mid-term) review report
Mid-term review, June 2016
Year: 2016
Resettlement action framework
PCR digest
Special study
Project list
Audit and Financial Statements
Audit and Financial Statements
2021-Ministry of Finance-AUDIT_REPORT
Year: 2021
2021-Ministry of Finance-AUDIT_REPORT
Year: 2021
2020-Ministry of Finance-AUDIT_REPORT
Year: 2020