Agroforestry Cooperative Development Programme


Asset Publisher

Agroforestry Cooperative Development Project

The coffee and cacao value chains are strategic for the national economy, and in particular for the provinces and the rural families of the eastern region where the Agroforestry Cooperative Development Project (PRODECAFE) will operate. Coffee is part of the “basic food basket” (household consumption); the country must import increasing quantities to cover domestic demand, while only exporting small volumes of high-quality coffee. Cocoa is not part of the basket: its trade deficit is lower, and the time when its export potential will be reached is apparently closer.

Through PRODECAFE, its third project in Cuba, IFAD can play an important role in supporting the Government's efforts to modernize and achieve sustainable growth of the country’s agroforestry sector, by increasing the physical, human, social and environmental assets in the cooperatives as the most important actors in the country’s agricultural economy. PRODECAFE will support the gradual transformation of the agroforestry cooperatives into modern forms of enterprises, with efficient production and provision of services, capable of adapting to the market and the effects of climatic change, as well as other negative external impacts.

Status: Ongoing
Approval Date
09 September 2019
2019 - 2027
Rural Development
Total Project Cost
US$ 63.65 million
IFAD Financing
US$ 15.5 million
Co-financiers (International)
ASAP1 Reprogrammed Funds US$ 4 million
Co-financiers (Domestic)
National Government US$ 23.65 million
Financing Gap
US$ 20.5 million
Financing terms
Project ID
Project Contact
Isabel Julia De La Pena

President's reports

Project design reports

Project design reports

Final Design Report Prodecafe Region: Latin America and the Caribbean

Supervision and implementation support documents

Environmental and social impact assessment

Final environmental and social management framework

Interim (mid-term) review report

Resettlement action framework

PCR digest

Special study

Project list

Audit and Financial Statements

Project completion report




IFAD-funded project to increase coffee and cocoa production in eastern Cuba while building resilience of smallholder farmers to climate change

March 2022 - NEWS

IFAD and the Government of Cuba hosted an event today at the Hotel Nacional in Havana to launch the Agroforestry Cooperative Development Project (PRODECAFE). The project aims at increasing coffee and cocoa production in the eastern region of the country, while contributing to enhanced resilience of this region’s smallholder farmer cooperatives to climate change.

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September 2020 - BLOG
IFAD is always exploring new lending instruments to increase the number of potential financial solutions it can offer.