Integrated Rural Development Project/Ngozi III

IFAD Asset Request Portlet

Asset Publisher

Integrated Rural Development Project/Ngozi III

Integrated Rural Development Project/Ngozi III

The project was implemented throughout the province of Ngozi, known for the highest population density in the country. About 90 per cent of the 150,000 smallholders’ families participating in the project had incomes below the poverty line.

The six-year project helped farmers increase the production of food crops and coffee. Fifteen new coffee washing stations were built to raise the quality of Burundi’s processed coffee and to make coffee more competitive on the international market. The programme also included reforestation, erosion control and the building of water wells and roads, as well as development of swamps for dry-season farming.  

Source: IFAD

Status: Closed
Approval Date
08 September 1981
1981 - 1989
Rural Development
Total Project Cost
US$ 26.74 million
IFAD Financing
US$ 4.84 million
Co-financiers (International)
World Bank: International Development Association US$ 16 million
Kuwait US$ 3 million
Co-financiers (Domestic)
National Government US$ 2.9 million
Financing terms
Highly Concessional
Project ID

Project design reports

Supervision and implementation support documents

Environmental and social impact assessment

Final environmental and social management framework

Interim (mid-term) review report

Resettlement action framework

PCR digest

Special study

Project list

Audit and Financial Statements

Project completion report

