Participatory Irrigation Development Programme

IFAD Asset Request Portlet

Asset Publisher

Participatory Irrigation Development Programme

This IFAD-initiated programme builds on the lessons of the Smallholder Development Project for Marginal Areas and its activities in participatory irrigation. Its overall goal is to improve smallholder incomes and household food security on a sustainable basis. Its purpose is to strengthen the institutional, organizational and technical ability of farmers, the private sector, NGOs, civil-society organizations and government institutions to develop smallholder irrigation. The programme focuses on marginalized areas of the country's central plateau. To achieve these objectives, the programme:

  • increases the availability/reliability of water through improved low-cost water control systems
  • raises agricultural productivity by providing improved agricultural extension services to respond to farmers' needs
  • improves the capacity of participants (farmers, private-sector service providers and the government) to construct, operate and maintain simple, low-cost schemes efficiently and sustainably
  • builds the capacity of local institutions to develop smallholder irrigation potential throughout the programme area
  • builds rural access roads to facilitate marketing of farm inputs and outputs

The target group consists of smallholder farm families who rely on paddy as their major source of income, particularly resource-poor farmers, women and households headed by women. The programme focuses on women and their important role in agriculture. It works to improve women's access to services, it represents their specific concerns in local institutions and it enables women to benefit from programme activities in an equitable manner.

Source: IFAD


Status: Closed
United Republic of Tanzania
Approval Date
08 September 1999
1999 - 2006
Total Project Cost
US$ 25.26 million
IFAD Financing
US$ 17.05 million
Co-financiers (International)
World Food Programme US$ 3.56 million
Co-financiers (Domestic)
National Government US$ 3.12 million
Financing terms
Highly Concessional
Project ID

Project design reports

Supervision and implementation support documents

Environmental and social impact assessment

Final environmental and social management framework

Interim (mid-term) review report

Resettlement action framework

PCR digest

Special study

Project list

Audit and Financial Statements

Project completion report

