Inclusive and resilient value chains linked to artisanal fishery and aquaculture in the Caribbean Coast Programme

IFAD Asset Request Portlet

Asset Publisher

Inclusive and resilient value chains linked to artisanal fishery and aquaculture in the Caribbean Coast Programme.

Status: Planned
Total Project Cost
US$ 45.84 million
IFAD Financing
US$ 22.54 million
Co-financiers (International)
Central-American Bank for Econ.Integration (BCIE) US$ 16 million
Co-financiers (Domestic)
National Government US$ 3.63 million
Beneficiaries US$ 3.32 million
Financing terms
Project ID
Project Contact
Juan Diego Ruiz Cumplido

President's reports

Project design reports

Project design reports

Supervision and implementation support documents

Environmental and social impact assessment

Final environmental and social management framework

Final environmental and social management framework

Interim (mid-term) review report

Resettlement action framework

PCR digest

Special study

Project list

Audit and Financial Statements

Project completion report

