Where we work - IFAD
- Who we are
Transparency and Accountability Ethics Anticorruption Evaluation Social, Environmental and Climate Assessment Procedures Corporate Procurement Operations Dashboard
- What we do
- Where we work
- Action Areas
Protecting the environment Climate and environment BiodiversityEnhancing livelihoods and markets Private sector Rural finance Markets and value chains Managing land and its resourcesBuilding resilience Rural institutions & organizations Remittances Nutrition Fragile contexts and crises
- Knowledge & Data
- Get Involved
- Who we are
- About IFAD
- Our People
- Governance
- Transparency and Accountability
- What we do
- Investing in Rural People
- How We Work
- Our Impact
- Where we work
- Action Areas
- Empowering rural people
- Protecting the environment
- Enhancing livelihoods and markets
- Promoting sustainable farming
- Building resilience
- Knowledge & Data
- Get Involved
- News and Stories
Where we work
©IFAD/G.M.B. Akash
Stretching from the most isolated islands in the heart of the Pacific, across the vast and varied landscapes of Central Asia and Africa, and reaching the western shores of South America, IFAD works where poverty and hunger are deepest. That is, in the most remote regions of developing countries and fragile situations.
Spanning five regions and 92 countries, we reach those who are otherwise left behind by development projects. Often called ‘the last mile’, we at IFAD consider this the first mile, at which small-scale farmers grow the food that nourishes the world.
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