Frequently Asked Questions
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IFAD's staff are the driving force behind everything we do. That’s why we offer an attractive remuneration package with competitive pay and benefits, which are in line with the United Nations common system.
This overview provides an indication of the salary and benefits that candidates for staff positions might expect to receive while working at IFAD. The final package will depend on the contract type, grade level, family status and benefit eligibility.
Internationally recruited staff
International Professional (P) staff are normally recruited internationally and serve in IFAD’s offices worldwide.
The salaries of internationally recruited staff members in the Professional and higher categories are based on the International Civil Service Commission (ICSC) salary scale and comprised of two elements:
Net base salary according to the grade level; and
Post adjustment: a cost-of-living supplement calculated as a percentage of the net base salary to ensure that professional remuneration has the same purchasing power at all duty stations.
Locally recruited staff
The salary scales of locally recruited staff are based on comparability with the after-tax salaries paid by selected local employers. Locally recruited staff categories include National Officers for roles in IFAD field duty stations outside of headquarters, and General Service staff in both headquarters and IFAD field duty stations.
Tax Exemption
Salaries and allowances paid by IFAD to staff are exempt from national income tax. Where member states levy income tax on salaries of IFAD staff, IFAD refunds the staff member the minimum amount of income tax payable.
IFAD staff members may be entitled to a range of benefits, including:
Family allowances
Education grant
Annual leave
Home leave
Family visit travel
Parental leave
Medical insurance
Retirement pension
Appointment/relocation travel
Settling-in grant
Rental subsidy
Repatriation grant, travel and shipment
Hardship, mobility and danger pay
Compensation in the event of illness, injury or death
The ICSC compensation calculator allows applicants to estimate their salary and benefit entitlements. The United Nations Development Programme has developed a salary calculator for locally recruited staff.