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Insurance toolkit

© IFAD/ Isaiah Muthui
The Insurance Toolkit provides technical tools and knowledge briefs to improve agricultural and climate risk insurance for small-scale farmers

Smallholder farmers and poor rural women and men urgently need to build their resilience in the face of climate change and other threats to their production. Agricultural and climate risk insurance can play an important role in improving small producers’ management of risks. Insurance can also help boost access to finance, increase investment in agriculture and strengthen livelihoods of farmers, processors and other actors along value chains.

The Toolkit is produced by the INSURED programme, with contributions from partners. INSURED is generously funded by Sida (the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency) and implemented by IFAD through the Platform for Agricultural Risk Management (PARM). The Toolkit is a work in progress and new products will be added throughout the lifetime of INSURED.


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