Convocatoria de propuestas | 31 agosto 2021

Aumentar la resiliencia rural a través de la Cooperación Sur-Sur y Triangular: Resultados de la tercera convocatoria de propuestas en el marco del Mecanismo SSTC China-FIDA

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Conozca los cuatro proyectos seleccionados en la tercera convocatoria del Mecanismo de cooperación Sur-Sur y cooperación triangular entre China y el FIDA.

Próximamente en español.

South-South and Triangular Cooperation has gained in significance as countries work together to overcome the impact of global challenges, including the COVID-19 pandemic. In line with IFAD’s own initiatives to support countries in their response and recovery, funding through the China-IFAD South-South and Triangular Cooperation Facility has supported projects that generate and exchange innovative solutions, approaches, and methodologies that can be scaled up and benefit a wider population of poor rural people.

Four projects were selected from the Third Call for Proposals for a total of US$1.9 million. The projects cover a range of themes, from agricultural production technology, crises prevention and recovery, digital agriculture, rural financial services, market development and nutrition, with strong focus on country ownership, local capacity development, inclusive participation, technology, and organization innovation.

The approved projects are also piloting the latest agricultural innovations to reach the most vulnerable rural poor through diversified forms of SSTC, including:

  • digital platforms and tools to disseminate knowledge and information quickly and establishing partnerships along value chains
  • innovative leasing and asset financing models to enhance farmers’ access to small-scale post-harvest and irrigation equipment
  • strengthened social protection programmes to promote a healthy diet from local food production
  • upgraded downstream facilities with the latest technologies to create value addition in value chains.

This new batch of projects brings the Facility’s portfolio to 17 projects, funded with US$7.7 million, reaching the rural poor in over 40 developing countries from Africa, Asia and Latin America.

Read more about the four selected projects.

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