Lead Global Technical Advisor, Rural Finance, Markets and Value Chains Mylene Kherallah
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Mylène Kherallah is the Lead Technical Specialist in Rural Markets and Enterprises at the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). She provides technical advice on project design, supervision and implementation support.

She also generates knowledge products and corporate strategies for agricultural value chain development, public-private-producer partnerships, market access and enterprise development.

Previously, Kherallah worked as the Regional Economist for the Near East, North Africa, and Europe Division of IFAD and worked on issues related to regional food security and rural development. Prior to joining IFAD, she was a research fellow at the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), where she worked mostly on agricultural market reform issues in Africa. She also worked as a long-term consultant in the Middle East and North Africa division of the World Bank.

Kherallah has a PhD in Economics from North Carolina State University, United States, and an MSc in Agricultural Economics from Texas A&M University, United States.

She has published books, book chapters, journal articles, research reports and guidelines in the areas of commodity value chains, public-private-producer partnerships in agriculture, agricultural trade, market liberalization, food security, rural poverty and development, and food and agricultural policy.

Her PhD dissertation won the Outstanding Dissertation Award from the American Agricultural Economics Association (1994).

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