Senior Technical Specialist, Gender and Social Inclusion Steven Jonckheere
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Steven Jonckheere is Senior Technical Specialist - Gender and Social Inclusion in the Environment, Climate, Gender and Social Inclusion Division of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). Previous to that, he worked as Knowledge Management Officer for the Fund, responsible for enhancing the quality and quantity of lessons learned from WCA-supported operations.

Before joining IFAD, Jonckheere worked as a professional officer and consultant with ESA, PTA and the Belgian Fund for Food Security Joint Programme, dealing with issues related to land tenure security and rural institutions. His earlier work experience includes: Acompañamiento Organizacional para el Desarrollo in Ecuador (supporting multi-stakeholders collaboration in natural resources management projects and facilitating group dynamic processes in rural communities), and the secretariat of the International Land Coalition (contributing to the learning, networking and innovation capacity of the Coalition).

Jonckheere holds master’s degrees in Psychology, Anthropology and Cultures and Development Studies from the University of Leuven, Belgium, and in Human Development and Food Security from the University of Roma Tre, Italy.

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