Economist Tisorn Songsermsawas
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Tisorn Songsermsawas is an Economy Analyst in the Research and Impact Assessment division. His research focuses on IFAD's overarching goal and objectives related to economic mobility, production, marketing, and resilience. He also supports IFAD's coordination of IFAD's impact assessment activities of IFAD-supported projects various countries in Asia and Africa.

Songsermsawas joined as Economic Analyst in September 2017 and before that as a consultant in 2015. Prior to joining IFAD, he served as a Graduate Instructor at the University of Illinois. He was an intern at the International Crops Research Institute for Semi-Arid Tropics in Hyderabad, India and at FAO in Rome, Italy.

Songsermsawas holds a PhD in Agricultural and Applied Economics from University of Illinois, USA, with a focus on labor economics, development economics, and social network analysis, and a BSc in Mathematics and Economics from Bucknell University, USA, with a focus on statistics and econometrics.

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