Lead Technical Specialist, Youth Tom Anyonge
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Tom Anyonge is the Lead Technical Specialist in Youth at the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD).

He provides the Fund’s regional divisions and country partners with institutional and organizational analysis, capacity development and programme management in the context of farming systems, agricultural support services and markets. He promotes applied research work to fill knowledge gaps and develop knowledge products, tools and guidelines.

Anyonge has 30 years of professional experience strengthening institutions for rural development. Prior to joining IFAD, Anyonge worked with NORAD, FINIDA, DFID and SIDA in Sub-Saharan Africa and Asia. He also has experience as a programme manager, National Technical Adviser, Senior Programme Officer and Senior Programme Support Officer.

Anyone holds two MSc degrees: one from the University of Arizona, United States, and one from Voronezh University, USSR. He also holds a BSc degree from Voronezh University.

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