La energía limpia potencia la resiliencia rural en Cuba
La Cuba rural se ha visto afectada por apagones recurrentes. Pero a lo largo de su costa oriental se está gestando una transición energética.
Este mes nos centraremos en la innovación. El Vicepresidente Adjunto del FIDA, Donal Brown, nos facilitará información detallada sobre algunos de los proyectos más innovadores del FIDA. Seguimos con Claire Melamed, Directora General de Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data, nos cuenta los últimos acontecimientos de la reunión de donantes y organizaciones de datos celebrada en febrero. También hablaremos con dos actores que están logrando cambios sorprendentes en el sector: por un lado, Mai Ann Healy, de BioFiltro, y su revolucionario tratamiento de las aguas residuales, y por otro, Shalom Ben-Or, Director Ejecutivo de Avenews, que con su superaplicación financiera está transformando el sector de la financiación agrícola.
El chef Pierre Thiam, del Senegal, nos hablará del fonio, un superalimento que se consume en África Occidental; por su parte, el chef Juan Quintero, maestro gastronómico colombiano, nos descubrirá nuevas formas de reducir el desperdicio alimentario y adquirir ingredientes de productores respetuosos con el medio ambiente. Para terminar, escucharemos las últimas novedades de Bangladesh y hablaremos de Green Ants.
El podcast se encuentra disponible sólo en inglés.
Episode content
IFAD AVP Donal Brown |
IFAD’s Associate Vice President Donal Brown is in the know when it comes to all things related to sustainable development. This month, we get some insight into how small-scale farmer are holding their own in the innovation sphere.
AveNews CEO Shalom Ben-Or |
Shalom Ben-Or is intent on transforming agriculture finance. He talks to us about what inspired him to found AveNews, a fintech company whose eponymous super-app works to connect finance and agriculture.
Pierre Thiam |
Pierre Thiam of IFAD’s Recipes for Change is a chef, author and activist. He’s known for bringing West Africa’s flavoursome cuisine to fine dining. His company, Yolélé, has paved the way for small-scale farmers and opened new markets to African crops – including fonio.
Mai Ann Healy |
Biofiltro is revolutionizing wastewater treatment. Chief Sustainability Officer Mai Ann Healy talks to us about the company’s innovative method of using worm castings–or worm waste– to remove contaminants from wastewater and other new and exciting ways in which they are working to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and champion small-scale farmers.
Claire Melamed |
In our latest episode of the Global Donor Platform for Rural Development miniseries, Claire Melamed–CEO at Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data–gives us an update on what happened at the February gathering of donors and data organizations.
Mario Simmaco |
The GreenAnt team is on a mission: reforest the world and tackle climate change. To achieve this, says founder and CEO Mario Simmaco, farmers need financial access – and that’s where GreenAnt steps in with an innovative project that involves remote sensing and non-fungible blockchain tokens.
Chef Juan Quintero |
Colombian Chef Juan Quintero of IFAD’s Recipes for Change is shaking things up in the kitchen and cutting down on food waste. He's got some tasty tricks up his sleeve to keep things sustainable.
Pierre Thiam |
We go into more detail with Chef Pierre on the versatility of fonio. Check out the links above to learn more about Pierre and his products.
Qasa Alom |
Reporter Qasa Alom wraps up his experience in Bangladesh with a final report from the frontline of climate change. If you want to see more of his work from Bangladesh you can check his YouTube channel: QasaVision.
Many thanks to our producer Francesco Manetti, our reporters Ian Smith and Carolyn Sillau Herrera and our hosts, Brian Thomson and Michelle Tang. But most of all thanks to you for listening to this episode of Farms.Food.Future.
We’d like to hear from you – what do you think about our stories and the issues discussed and who do you want us to be talking to. Do get in touch at [email protected].
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We’ll be back at the end of April with more news, fresh from the farm.
And once again we’ll be trying to be Good for You, Good for the Planet and Good for the Farmers.