
Rural Small and Micro-enterprise Promotion Project


Country Flag Rwanda


Desarrollo rural

Fecha de aprobación

17 abril 1996


1996 - 2004

N.º del proyecto


Rural Small and Microenterprise Promotion Project

This pilot project was intended to:

  • put in place a sustainable framework for increasing productivity, profitability and competitiveness among microenterprises managed by the rural poor
  • improve access to training in management and technology
  • improve the macroeconomic and regulatory framework
  • develop linkages between the Government and private-sector producers

The project contributed to strengthening more than 4,000 existing rural small and microenterprises and fostering new initiatives. The lessons learned from this experience, which served as a basis for designing Phase II, can be summarized as follows:

  • all groups, particularly the most vulnerable, must be taken into account in designing projects for rural areas
  • it is important to balance job creation with developing agricultural production, which complement each other
  • one of the conditions for the success of development activities is community involvement in making decisions and identifying needs
  • training beneficiaries gives good results, but must be continued
  • production, processing and marketing technologies must be responsive to the needs of entrepreneurs

See also:

Rural Small and Microenterprise Promotion Project - Phase II

Source: IFAD

Additional Data

Project Documents