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The Japan-IFAD partnership

septiembre 2024

IFAD’s strategic focus is closely aligned with Japan’s official development assistance priorities, including promoting food security and nutrition.

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La asociación entre Noruega y el FIDA

junio 2024

El FIDA y Noruega tienen el objetivo común de erradicar el hambre y la pobreza en todo el mundo.

Investing in rural people in Türkiye

abril 2024

Türkiye is IFAD’s largest recipient of financial assistance in the Europe and Central Asia sub-region. IFAD investments contribute to reducing rural poverty in the upland areas of the country.

Invertir en la población rural de Viet Nam

abril 2024

Esta hoja informativa sobre el país describe la estrategia del FIDA para erradicar la pobreza en Vietnam, que se centra en el desarrollo de innovaciones impulsadas por el mercado que ayuden a los pobres.

Investing in rural people in Zambia

abril 2024

The primary aim of IFAD’s work in Zambia is to increase the income and food security of poor rural people through sustainable, diversified and climate-resilient rural livelihoods.

Djibouti: Programme to Reduce Vulnerability in Coastal Fishing Areas

marzo 2024

This programme bolsters Djibouti’s climate adaptation and resilience by bridging multiple sectors, including fisheries, rural development and gender. This required considered coordination and communication among diverse stakeholders.

La asociación Luxemburgo-FIDA

marzo 2024

Luxemburgo es un asociado de largo tiempo, cuyas prioridades de desarrollo coinciden con el mandato del FIDA.

Inversiones en la población rural de las Islas del Pacífico

febrero 2024

El FIDA ayuda a los países de las islas del Pacífico a desarrollar sistemas alimentarios inclusivos, productivos, resilientes y sostenibles impulsados por las comunidades.

The Brazil–IFAD partnership

febrero 2024

The strong partnership between IFAD and Brazil is based on a shared commitment to reducing poverty and pursuing innovative ways to assist rural communities.

The Qatar–IFAD partnership

noviembre 2023

The State of Qatar played a major role in the establishment of IFAD in 1977 and has been a key supporter of IFAD for the past 46 years.

The Kuwait–IFAD partnership

noviembre 2023

The State of Kuwait played a major role in the establishment of IFAD in 1977 and has been a key supporter of IFAD for the past 46 years.

The United Arab Emirates–IFAD partnership

noviembre 2023

The United Arab Emirates played a major role in the establishment of IFAD in 1977 and has been a key supporter of the Fund for the past 46 years.

The Saudi Arabia-IFAD partnership

noviembre 2023

Saudi Arabia is a founding member of IFAD and has been a key supporter of the Fund for the past 46 years. Since IFAD’s inception, Saudi Arabia’s financial and strategic support has been critical to combating poverty and strengthening food systems in developing countries.

La asociación entre Bélgica y el FIDA

noviembre 2023

El Reino de Bélgica es uno de los Miembros fundadores del FIDA y un asociado clave del Fondo desde su establecimiento, que ha contribuido a definir las orientaciones estratégicas y a intensificar el apoyo que presta a las zonas rurales más vulnerables, en especial en África Subsahariana, donde el Fondo invierte más del 50 % de sus recursos. 

Invertir en la población rural de Uganda

noviembre 2023

Esta ficha informativa resume la estrategia del FIDA para reducir la pobreza en Uganda, mejorando al mismo tiempo su seguridad alimentaria y reduciendo su vulnerabilidad. También se describen las operaciones en curso en el país.

Investing in rural people in South Sudan

noviembre 2023

IFAD has been engaged in South Sudan since 2011. Its long-term vision for the country is to gradually contribute to the reduction of food and nutrition insecurity and poverty among rural women and youth through inclusive and sustainable agriculture and livelihood transformation.

The Finland–IFAD partnership

octubre 2023

IFAD and Finland share a vision of a world without poverty and hunger. At a time of cascading global crises and mounting vulnerability to climate
change among the world’s poorest people, the partnership between IFAD and Finland is committed to a mutual focus on supporting resilient, inclusive and sustainable food systems that can break the cycle of crises and enable small-scale farmers to improve their livelihoods.


Alianza Italia-FIDA

octubre 2023

Italia y el FIDA comparten el compromiso de crear un mundo en el que las personas tengan acceso a alimentos asequibles, seguros, nutritivos y suficientes.

Asociación Austria-FIDA

septiembre 2023

Austria y el FIDA se han comprometido a construir un futuro más sostenible, integrador y resiliente y a erradicar conjuntamente la pobreza y el hambre en todo el mundo.

La alianza Francia-FIDA

septiembre 2023

Francia y el FIDA comparten la determinación de erradicar la pobreza y el hambre a través del desarrollo rural sostenible. En sus programas, ambos otorgan especial importancia a los pequeños productores y a las personas del medio rural, y reconocen el papel fundamental que desempeña la agricultura a la hora de aumentar la seguridad alimentaria, reducir la pobreza y mitigar el cambio climático. 

Investing in rural people in Sri Lanka

septiembre 2023

Altogether, IFAD has implemented 19 projects in Sri Lanka, benefiting 654,832 households at a total cost of US$654.57 million (with IFAD providing US$340.49 million in financing).

Investing in rural people in the United Republic of Tanzania

agosto 2023

IFAD’s Executive Board approved its first loan to the United Republic of Tanzania in 1978 – the second loan ever approved by the board. 

The Denmark–IFAD partnership

agosto 2023

Denmark and IFAD share a long-standing partnership to fight poverty and hunger. Agriculture and the food sector are the basis of their common approach to promoting sustainable rural transformation, which is essential to tackling environmental degradation and climate change.

La asociación entre Suiza y el FIDA

junio 2023

Tanto Suiza como el FIDA abogan por un mundo en paz en el que nadie sufra hambre ni pobreza. Desde que se asociaron hace más de 40 años, mantienen el compromiso de colaborar para lograr un futuro más sostenible, resiliente e inclusivo.

The USA-IFAD partnership

junio 2023

Sharing a vision on the importance of achieving a world without hunger and poverty – and the sustainable development interventions needed to get there – the United States and IFAD have been working together since IFAD’s inception in 1977.

La Alianza entre España y el FIDA

junio 2023

España es Miembro fundador del FIDA y ha contribuido con un monto total de USD 105,76 millones a los recursos ordinarios del Fondo desde su establecimiento en 1977. Además, ha proporcionado fondos suplementarios en forma de donaciones por un valor total de USD 18 millones.

The Sweden-IFAD partnership

junio 2023

IFAD and Sweden share a vision of a world without poverty and hunger and a commitment to support small-scale farmers to improve their livelihoods through the establishment of inclusive, resilient and sustainable food systems.


The Ireland-IFAD partnership

junio 2023

Ireland and IFAD share a commitment to empower rural people to overcome poverty and hunger through sustainable development.

The China-IFAD partnership

mayo 2023

IFAD was the first international financial institution to lend to China. Since 1981, IFAD has worked with China to eliminate extreme poverty, increase
food security and nutrition, and promote agricultural and rural development.

Disponible en otros idiomas: English, Chinese

La asociación entre el Canadá y el FIDA

mayo 2023

El Canadá y el FIDA mantienen una asociación de larga data para erradicar la pobreza y el hambre. Ambos trabajan en pro de la transformación rural sostenible e inclusiva, sobre todo en beneficio de las poblaciones pobres.

Investing in rural people in Mozambique

mayo 2023

IFAD’s strategy in Mozambique is to contribute to rural transformation by strengthening nutrition and agriculture linkages and focusing more on value chains and food systems.

Asociación Países Bajos-FIDA

abril 2023

Desde la creación del FIDA en 1977, los Países Bajos han sido un asociado y contribuyente fiable, apoyando el presupuesto básico del FIDA con un total de USD 717 millones y situándose entre los cinco principales donantes del Fondo.

Investing in rural people in Cambodia

abril 2023

To date, 12 projects have been conducted in the country, at a total cost of US$950.48 million, with IFAD financing amounting to US$309.08 million. An estimated 1,565,500 households have benefited directly.

The Germany-IFAD partnership

abril 2023

Germany and IFAD place small-scale farmers and rural people – especially women and youth – at the heart of their development priorities for achieving a world with no hunger (Sustainable Development Goal 2). 



Investing in rural people in Angola

marzo 2023

In Angola, IFAD loans support efforts to improve food security and rebuild the livelihoods of poor rural people through rural and agricultural development. 

Investing in rural people in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic

marzo 2023

IFAD began operations in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic in 1978. Our strategy is to invest in rural people, empowering them to increase their food security, improve the nutrition of their families and increase their incomes.

Investing in rural people in Malawi

marzo 2023

IFAD began operations in Malawi in 1981 and has provided US$731.96 million in financing (including partner cofinancing) for 14 programmes and projects benefiting more than 2 million households.

The Republic of Korea–IFAD partnership

noviembre 2022

The Republic of Korea is one of the founding members of IFAD and currently sits on the Fund’s Executive Board. The Republic of Korea and IFAD remain committed to eradicating poverty and hunger, and to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 

Invertir en la población rural en Haití

septiembre 2022

El FIDA es un socio fundamental para el desarrollo rural de Haití. Sus sucesivas estrategias, proyectos y programas en el país —que siempre han contado con la participación activa de la población rural del país— atestiguan desde 1978 su compromiso de larga data en la lucha contra la pobreza rural en este país.

Investing in rural people in India

agosto 2022

IFAD has been working in India for more than 40 years. The current country strategic opportunities programme is fully aligned with the government’s policy framework. 

Investing in rural people in Ethiopia

junio 2022

IFAD’s strategy in Ethiopia focuses on providing smallholder farmers, pastoralists and agropastoralists with the critical assets they need to enhance productivity and resilience. These include natural resources, technology, finance, institutional capacity and access to markets.

Investing in rural people in Rwanda

abril 2022

Since 1981, IFAD has financed 19 rural development programmes and projects in Rwanda, for a total amount of US$358.04 million, and directly benefiting about 1,540,157 rural households.

Investing in rural people in Kenya

abril 2022

Since 1979, IFAD has invested US$455.09 million in 20 programmes and projects in Kenya (at a total cost of US$980.31 million), in support of the Government’s efforts to reduce rural poverty.

Investing in rural people in Madagascar

marzo 2022

Since 1979, IFAD has funded 17 rural development projects in Madagascar for a total of US$434.285 million. Four projects are currently ongoing.

The IFAD and Slow Food Case for Investment

noviembre 2021

El FIDA y Slow Food comparten la visión de apoyar mecanismos de producción y consumo a pequeña escala, diversificados y centrados en la mejora de la comercialización de los productos locales.

Investing in rural people in Egypt

octubre 2021

IFAD country programme in Egypt is the largest in the Near East and North Africa. In total, IFAD has invested in 14 agricultural development projects and programmes for a total Cost of US$ 1.1 billion, with IFAD direct financing of US$ 519.28 million benefitting around 7 million people.

Investing in rural people in Bangladesh

junio 2021

IFAD has worked in Bangladesh for almost 40 years. It has supported 34 projects, costing a total of US$2,356 million, with IFAD financing of US$913 million. 

Investing in rural people in Sudan

mayo 2021

Sudan became a Member State of IFAD in 1977, with the first IFAD loan being approved in 1979.

IFAD and Spain: Partnering to transform rural realities

marzo 2021

This brochure provides an overview of our work with Spain to invest in poor rural youth, women and men and assist countries in achieving the SDGs.

Inversiones en la población rural de Burkina Faso

marzo 2021

En Burkina Faso, los préstamos del FIDA ayudan a gestionar mejor los recursos naturales, a crear instituciones inclusivas y sostenibles respaldadas por inversiones y políticas favorables a los pobres y a respaldar la innovación y la educación.
