Ensayos y Síntesis
Ensayos y Síntesis
Ensayos y Síntesis
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Inversión de la diáspora en agricultura (DIA)
febrero 2016
Cada año los miembros de la diáspora mundial envían más de USD 450 000 millones en remesas a sus familias en países en desarrollo. Por medio de estas remesas, los miembros de la diáspora desempeñan un papel fundamental en el desarrollo de sus respectivos países de origen fomentando las inversiones, el turismo, el comercio, las actividades filantrópicas, la transferencia de conocimientos y las relaciones transfronterizas. Aunque se calcula que el volumen de remesas que se invierte en fines agrícolas en las zonas rurales es relativamente bajo (hasta un 5 por ciento del total), esta cantidad sigue siendo cuatro veces superior a la AOD que se destina a la agricultura.
IFAD and Farmers' Organizations - Partnership in progress: 2014-2015
febrero 2016
Report to the sixth global meeting of the Farmers’ Forum in conjunction with the thirty-ninth session of IFAD’s Governing Council.
GFRD2015 Official Report
febrero 2016
This report proceeds from the Global Forum on Remittances and Development held in Milan, Italy in 2015.
FAO's and IFAD's Engagement in Pastoral Development
febrero 2016
This joint evaluation synthesis report (JES) has been prepared by FAO and IFAD Evaluation Offices (OED and IOE) within the framework of ‘Statement Intent’ of 2 April 2013 for strengthening collaboration across the two Rome-based agencies.
Country-Level Policy Engagement - a review of experience
febrero 2016
Policies affect every dimension of the institutional and legal context in which poor rural people pursue their livelihoods; they shape the world they live in and the economic opportunities open to them. Supportive policies can go a long way towards providing the conditions in which people can lift themselves out of poverty. Conversely, policies that do not create opportunities, or that exclusively reflect the interests of other economic players, can be an insuperable barrier or an unbridgeable gulf – roadblocks barring the way out of the poverty trap. Thus, an enabling country-level policy environment for agriculture and rural development is not only critical for effective implementation of IFAD-supported projects, but also a precondition for enabling rural people to overcome poverty. As IFAD shifts its focus from exclusively project-specific goals to making a broader contribution to rural poverty reduction, engaging in country-level policy processes is becoming an increasingly important activity within country programmes, supported by dedicated services and products, and an important mechanism through which to scale up proven approaches and lessons learned at the project level.
IFAD’s Junior Professional Officer Programme
febrero 2016
IFAD launched its Junior Professional Officer (JPO) programme in 1980, just three years after IFAD was established, and has maintained a dynamic JPO programme ever since. The JPO programme was originally established by the General Assembly of the United Nations as a way of recruiting young professionals for service in the field of development assistance. The programme is sponsored by Member States interested in investing in young, university-trained nationals of their own country or other countries, for employment in organizations of the United Nations system.
Farmers’ Africa: Complementary actions for the benefit of African producers
febrero 2016
Farmers’ Africa is a capacity-building programme that aims to improve the livelihoods and food security of rural producers in Africa. It works with farmers’ organizations (FOs) to help them evolve into more stable, performing and accountable organizations that effectively represent their members and advise them on farming enterprises.
The programme supports the main functions of FOs, promotes their engagement in policy processes and contributes to their professionalization. It also supports the efforts of FOs to provide economic services to their members.