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Climate-smart smallholder agriculture: What is different.

abril 2012

Cada vez hay más consenso en cuanto a que el cambio climático está transformando el contexto del desarrollo rural, cambiando los entornos físicos y socioeconómicos y encareciendo el desarrollo de los pequeños productores. Pero el consenso es menor en cuanto a la manera en que las prácticas agrícolas en pequeña escala deberían cambiar como resultado de ello. La pregunta que suele plantearse es la siguiente: ¿cuál es realmente la diferencia que plantea la agricultura en pequeña escala “climáticamente inteligente”, que trasciende las mejores prácticas utilizadas usualmente en el ámbito del desarrollo? 

Facilitar el acceso de los jóvenes rurales a las actividades agrícolas

febrero 2012

Este documento de trabajo para la sesión de juventud del Foro Campesino 2012 proporciona una visión de conjunto de las conclusiones del proyecto común MIJARC/FIDA/FAO sobre “Facilitar el acceso de los jóvenes rurales . a las actividades agrícolas’.

Este documento será completado e inserido en el informe final que se publicará después del Foro Campesino. 

Good Practices in Building Innovative Rural Institutions to Increase Food Security

febrero 2012

Evidence from the ground shows that when strong rural organizations such as producer groups and cooperatives provide a full range of services to small producers, they are able to play a greater role in meeting a growing food demand on local, national and international markets. Indeed, a myriad of such institutional innovations from around the world are documented in this FAO case-study-based publication.

Nevertheless, to be able to provide a broad array of services to their members, organizations have to develop a dense network of relationships among small producers, between small-producer organizations and with markets actors and policy-makers.

Syrian Arab Republic: Thematic study on participatory rangeland management in the Badia - Badia Rangelands Development Project

febrero 2012
The Syrian Arab Republic, like other countries of the Middle East, North Africa and Central Asia, is a dry country that is prone to drought, with large areas of desert or semi-desert that are too fragile to be cultivated but will support grazing for a restricted number of livestock. These areas of ecological fragility, if overgrazed and poorly managed, can quickly become degraded and desertified and, in the worst case scenario, can eventually become biologically sterile. Good management of these resources is therefore critical to maintaining healthy ecosystems and the livelihoods that depend on them.

Water User Associations in the context of small holder agriculture

octubre 2011

This report is the fruit of that endeavour and builds on efforts by IWMI, IFAD and many others to document and understand the impacts of PIM. 

Through the systematic review of 24 IFAD-funded PIM interventions and field observations from 5 project sites in the Asian region this study sheds new light on what works, where and why. 

Our study examines WUAs that have been created by IFAD projects and those which pre-date it’s interventions but are the main focus of capacity building or restructuring. 

Madagascar - Étude de cas Le potentiel des jeunes AUE à participer au développement durable

julio 2011
L’accès qu’ont les agriculteurs aux ressources hydriques est déterminé par de nombreux facteurs. Le cadre politique national et les stratégies adoptées par le gouvernement ont, entre autres, un impact important sur l’accès à l’eau, et sur les projets et programmes qui travaillent dans ce domaine. Au fur et à mesure qu’évolue le contexte politique, il est donc nécessaire de revoir la mise en oeuvre de ces projets, en particulier ceux qui ont trait à la construction d’ouvrages hydrauliques, afin de s’assurer que l’environnement politique et stratégique reste adapté aux besoins locaux et permette la mise en place d’une gestion locale, durable et efficace de l’eau agricole.

Lessons learned in the development of smallholder private irrigation for high-value crops in West Africa

junio 2011

The objective of this report is to identify, characterize, and evaluate best practices in smallholder private irrigation in West Africa. The report presents a comparative assessment of the smallholder private irrigation initiatives in Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger, and Nigeria. 

Issues discussed include: the potential and impacts of new technologies; the successes and challenges of different approaches to develop smallholder private irrigation (promotion of technologies, institutional arrangements, advisory and financial services, and environmental impact mitigation); and the lessons learned.
