

Resultados de la búsqueda

The Water Advantage: Seeking sustainable solutions for water stress

marzo 2018

Among ecosystems services, freshwater is one of the most fundamental for life. For smallholders, water means the difference between a decent life and poverty, hunger and malnutrition. 

IFAD’s engagement with rural youth

marzo 2018

This publication seeks to provide development practitioners, governmental and non-governmental organizations and agencies with insights into the case studies on overcoming the challenges that young people face in diverse contexts. 

Invertir en la población rural del Perú

marzo 2018
A pesar de que en el último decenio el Perú ha hecho grandes avances en la reducción de la pobreza, disminuyendo significativamente la incidencia a nivel nacional de 42,4 % en 2004 a 20,7 % en 2015, para 2016 la brecha entre la pobreza rural y la urbana se había triplicado: 44 % versus 14 %. La desigualdad de ingresos en los hogares peruanos se mantuvo casi estática entre 2004 y 2015. Esta se refleja de manera más aguda en el acceso diferenciado de la población urbana y la rural a los servicios de educación, salud y financieros y a los activos productivos. 

Developing nutrition-sensitive value chains in Indonesia

febrero 2018
In Indonesia’s eastern Maluku and North Maluku provinces, malnutrition levels are high. Nutrition challenges include monotonous diets with inadequate levels of energy, micronutrients and protein. Studies commissioned by IFAD suggest that strengthened value chains for foods such as bananas, cassava, maize, spinach, sweet potatoes and fish could make business sense for smallholders and lay the foundations for a strong local food system that sustainably delivers nutritious foods for healthy diets.

Grant Results Sheet: Integrated crop– livestock conservation agriculture for sustainable intensification of cereal-based systems in Central and West Asia and North Africa

febrero 2018
The goal was to improve the livelihoods of resource-poor farmers through the adoption of integrated crop–livestock conservation agriculture.

Agents of rural change: The IFAD story

febrero 2018
Some of today’s biggest challenges are not new – poverty, hunger and inequality, in particular. But in addition, major threats and trends continue to emerge.

Global Forum on Remittances, Investment and Development 2017 – Official Report

febrero 2018
Remittances constitute a critical lifeline for around 1 billion people around the world. These vital flows of private money, sent by over 200 million international migrant workers, help families raise their living standards and contribute to improved health, education and housing. 

How to do note: Design of gender transformative smallholder agriculture adaptation programmes

enero 2018
This How to Do Note (HTDN) is intended to provide guidance on how to design smallholder agriculture adaptation programmes that consider the differential impacts of climate change on women, men and youth smallholder farmers. This includes recognizing that programme interventions – from design to staffing to capacity development of beneficiaries and local organizations – need to consider how gender will affect sustainability and impact. The experiences, social positions and differing access to resources of marginalized populations are fundamental considerations in the design, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation of gender transformative smallholder agriculture adaptation programmes.

Investing in rural people in Cameroon

enero 2018
Cameroon’s economy is mainly agriculture-based, with almost three quarters of the economically active population in rural areas employed in agricultural pursuits.

Mapeo Participativo - Diálogos y acuerdos entre actores

enero 2018
​Este trabajo surge de la sistematización de cuatro experiencias de resolución pacífica de conflictos territoriales por la tierra, el agua y otros recursos naturales usando el mapeo participativo. La metodología aplicada incluye la identificación del problema y luego el mapeo participativo como iniciador del diálogo, la incidencia pública y la generación de acuerdos.

Research Series Issue 20 - Transformation and Diversification of the Rural Economy in Asia

enero 2018
This paper examines the transformation and diversification of the rural economy in Asia, focusing on the role and importance of the rural non-farm economy and employment in economic transformation and related diversification of employment and income opportunities for rural communities.

Reducing Poverty in Coastal Communities in Indonesia

enero 2018
Coastal Community Development Project (2012 - 2017): Increased household incomes for families involved in fisheries and marine activities in poor coastal and small island communities.

Investing in Rural Areas, Investing in Indonesia

enero 2018
The Rural Areas of Indonesia are Full of Opportunities.

Investing in Rural Indonesia

enero 2018
Investing in Rural Indonesia: Building resilience to climate change, promoting gender equality and women’s empowerment, improving nutrition and fostering youth employment are critical goals in all of our programmes.

Indonesia Portfolio overview Infographic

enero 2018
Indonesia Portfolio overview, January 2018

Grant Results Sheet: CABFIN - Enhancing the CABFIN partnership’s delivery of policy guidance, capacity development and global learning to foster financial innovations and inclusive investments for agricultural and rural development

diciembre 2017
The overall goal of the grant funding was to strengthen the capacity of development practitioners in developing countries to identify, design and
implement more effective interventions aimed at increasing access to rural and agricultural finance.

Grant Results Sheet: ICIPE - Scaling up biological control of the diamondback moth on crucifers in East Africa to other African regions

diciembre 2017
The goal of the project was to increase the income of rural smallholder vegetable producers through the improved safety and quality of vegetables in the supply chain for domestic markets.
