

Resultados de la búsqueda

Foundations of project M&E in rural development

noviembre 2017

In recent years, the purpose of Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) has shifted from assessing the use of resources and the implementation of project activities, to measuring the contributions a project is making to specific development outcomes for both men and women. The aim of this course is to provide guidance on good practices in project-based monitoring and evaluation for IFAD-funded projects in the Asia and the Pacific region.

This course will help M&E officers develop a foundational understanding of the concepts and tools that are necessary to design an M&E system that embraces a gender-responsive approach within a Results Based Management framework. 

The goal of the course is to improve knowledge of the principles and tools that will increase staff capacity to apply a gender-sensitive and results-based approach to project monitoring and evaluation. 

There are three modules in this course:

1. The concepts and principles of an engendered Results Based Management approach to M&E
2. A core planning tool called the Logical Framework Approach 
3. Key planning approaches, tools and methods recommended for project monitoring and evaluation

It will take about five hours to complete the entire course.

This e-learning course was developed by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) as part of the Asian Project Management Support Programme (APMAS).

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The Marine Advantage: Empowering coastal communities, safeguarding marine ecosystems

noviembre 2017

Agriculture and fisheries, the backbone of food security and nutrition for coastal communities and globally, are under threat. 

Deliberaciones: tercera reunión mundial del Foro de los Pueblos Indígenas en el FIDA

noviembre 2017

El Comité Directivo del Foro decidió que el empoderamiento económico de los pueblos indígenas, con especial atención a las mujeres y los jóvenes, debería ser el tema central de su tercera reunión mundial. 

Research Series Issue 18 - Do agricultural support and cash transfer programmes improve nutritional status?

noviembre 2017

Cash transfer and agricultural support programmes are both used to improve nutrition outcomes in developing countries. This paper examines previous reviews of the impact of these programmes and compares the evidence between the two. The paper finds that, although there are about the same number of programmes of each type, many more papers have been written about the cash transfer programmes than the agricultural programmes. While evidence suggests that both programme types improved the quality of food consumption, the paper concludes that both types show weak evidence of improvements in anthropometric outcomes.

United Kingdom and IFAD

octubre 2017
The United Kingdom and IFAD are working closely together to meet Sustainable Development Goals 1 and 2: ending poverty and hunger by 2030. They have made a special commitment to boost inclusive and sustainable economic paths and create jobs in the poorest rural areas of the world, especially in Africa, where 10 to 12 million young people enter the labour market every year.

Remesas y redes de microfinanciación

octubre 2017
De los 450 000 millones de dólares estadounidenses que los trabajadores migrantes cada año envían a casa en los países en desarrollo, entre el 30% y el 40% se destina
a las zonas rurales. En el punto de partida de la cadena de la migración, las personas abandonan las zonas rurales para buscar oportunidades en otros lugares, ya que
carecen de ellas más cerca de su hogar. Las instituciones de microfinanciación (IMF) son insustituibles a la hora de atender las necesidades de los receptores de remesas
y reinvertir los fondos excedentes para mejorar las oportunidades de las comunidades locales.

2017 RIDE infographic

octubre 2017
This infographic illustrates the highlights of the 2017 Report on IFAD's Development Effectiveness (RIDE).

Cooperación Sur-Sur y cooperación triangular: Aspectos destacados de la cartera del FIDA

octubre 2017
Durante los dos últimos decenios, la cooperación Sur-Sur ha ido ganando reconocimiento en cuanto marco general para la colaboración entre países en desarrollo (países del Sur Global) en una serie de ámbitos de índole política, económica, social, cultural, ambiental y técnica.
Disponible en otros idiomas: Arabic, English, Spanish, French, Portuguese

Impact Assessment: Smallholder Dairy Commercialization Programme (SDCP)

octubre 2017

The Smallholder Dairy Commercialization Programme (SDCP) aimed to foster market-driven development of the informal dairy sector in Kenya. 

Impact assessment: Project to Support Development in the Menabe and Melaky Regions

octubre 2017
In Madagascar, the Project to Support Development in the Menabe and Melaky Regions (AD2M) aimed to improve the livelihoods of poor farmers by strengthening their tenure security and access to well-functioning irrigation systems.

Remote sensing for index insurance - Findings and lessons learned for smallholder agriculture

octubre 2017
Index insurance has a role to play in agricultural development and risk management, yet it faces operational and technical challenges to reach scale and sustainability. Data are a key challenge and were the focus of the project “Improving Agricultural Risk Management in Sub-Saharan Africa: Remote Sensing for Index Insurance”. Limited availability, accessibility, quantity and poor quality of data on the ground are some of the primary technical constraints preventing scale-up and sustainability of index insurance. Without sufficient quality data, either it is impossible to design products for some areas and countries, or products that are designed can become unreliable, not compensating when they should. These inconsistencies intensify vulnerability, lead to distrust of insurance, and ultimately have an impact on demand. This publication details the project, which investigated overcoming issues with ground data by using remote sensing data for index insurance. It describes the different remote sensing options and opportunities available for index insurance, but it also recommends further investment in research and development, supplementary ground data and capacity-building going forward. 

Research Series Issue 17 - Population age structure and sex composition in sub-Saharan Africa: A rural-urban perspective

octubre 2017

This study describes the shifting age and sex patterns of populations across rural and urban sectors in sub‑Saharan Africa from 1980 to 2015. It examines the relationship between the slowdown in urbanization and rural and urban age structure gaps, sex composition and dependency ratios. Findings show that rural-urban migration of young adults plays a key role in explaining dependency ratios and sex compositional gaps in rural and urban areas. Results also highlight the value of taking into account local age and sex structures to better prepare for the demographic dividend and other consequences of demographic shifts in sub-Saharan Africa.

Asia-Pacific Farmers’ Forum IFAD’s Medium-term Cooperation Programme with Farmers’ Organizations Phase Two (MTCP2)

octubre 2017
Established in 2005 as a permanent feature of the IFAD Governing Council, the Farmers’ Forum (FAFO) is a bottom-up process of consultation and dialogue between IFAD, governments and farmers’ organizations that represent millions of small-scale farmers, fisher folk and pastoralists, both men and women, across the world. The forum aims to strengthen partnership and collaboration between IFAD and farmers’ organizations in country programmes and investment projects and to build capacity within these organizations. In support of the Farmers’ Forum, projects are established to strengthen farmers’ organizations and activities in the field. Thus, IFAD, together with several other donors (EU, SDC, AFD), has engaged into partnership with FOs through continental grants in Asia with the Medium-term Cooperation Programme with Farmers’ Organizations in Asia and
the Pacific (MTCP) as well as in Africa with the Support to Farmers’ Organizations in Africa Programme (SFOAP).

Grant Results Sheet ILRI - Enhancing dairy- based livelihoods in India and Tanzania through feed innovation and value chain development approaches

octubre 2017

The MilkIT research for development project set out to improve dairy-centred livelihoods in India and Tanzania through intensification of smallholder
production focused on enhancement of feeds and feeding using innovation platforms and value chain approaches.

The project worked in the state of Uttarakhand in India and in Morogoro and Tanga regions in Tanzania. In both countries dairy has considerable potential to improve the livelihoods and nutrition of poor farming families but this potential has been underexploited. MilkIT focused on improving milk productivity through multistakeholder engagement to increase milk marketing and dairy cow feeding.

Invirtiendo en la población rural en la República Dominicana

octubre 2017
A lo largo de los últimos 25 años, la República Dominicana ha registrado una de las tasas de crecimiento más elevadas de América Latina y el Caribe. La construcción, el sector manufacturero y el turismo han sido los motores del crecimiento más reciente.
A pesar

Investing in rural people in Brazil

octubre 2017
Brazil is a major agricultural and industrial power, has the strongest economy in Latin America and the Caribbean, and is the seventh-largest economy in the world. It is the fourth-largest agricultural producing country, the main producer of coffee, sugarcane and citrus, and the second largest soybean, beef and poultry producer.
Disponible en otros idiomas: English, Portuguese

Invirtiendo en la población rural en México

octubre 2017
México es la segunda gran economía de América Latina. A pesar de ser un país grande y de renta media alta, México continúa teniendo altos niveles de pobreza rural y grandes desigualdades sociales y económicas. Aun cuando alrededor del 21 % de la población vive en áreas rurales, apenas representa dos tercios de la población en pobreza extrema.

Madagascar - Étude de cas L’Union et les associations d’usagers des eaux (AUE) de Migodo I

septiembre 2017

L’accès des agriculteurs à l’eau est un facteur de développement agricole. Cet accès dépend de plusieurs facteurs, dont des facteurs économiques, politiques, ou encore environnementaux. En effet, les décisions et stratégies adoptées par le gouvernement et les autorités locales permettent à la population, et plus particulièrement aux agriculteurs, de gérer de façon durable et efficace leurs ressources hydriques.

À Madagascar, le cadre législatif du secteur de l’eau agricole a évolué à partir des années 1980. Tout d’abord, en 1990, la reconnaissance de l’importance de la préservation de l’environnement et des ressources naturelles a débouché sur une Charte de l’environnement.

Highlights of the IFPRI and IFAD partnership

septiembre 2017

The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) were both created in response to the food crises of the 1970s. We have worked together for more than 20 years to catalyze agricultural and rural development and improve food security in Africa, Asia, and Latin America.

IFAD and IFPRI have strengthened the productivity and resilience of smallholder farmers and other rural people, with a particular focus on helping expand their access to innovative local farming methods, climate change mitigation and adaptation technologies and financing, and more profitable markets.

To further promote rural development and transformation, IFAD and IFPRI have built cutting-edge information systems and tools that deliver sound data and analyses to governments, donors, farmer organizations, and other stakeholders. As a result, the two organizations have fostered evidence-based policy making and investments that promote agricultural growth and rural development.

El estado de la seguridad alimentaria y de la nutricion en el mundo 2017

septiembre 2017

La edición de este año de El estado de la seguridad alimentaria y la nutrición en el mundo marca el inicio de una nueva era en el seguimiento de los progresos relacionados con la consecución de un mundo sin hambre ni malnutrición, en el marco de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS). En concreto, en el presente informe se hace un seguimiento de los avances logrados en la erradicación del hambre y la malnutrición en todas sus formas.

En el documento se incluye también un análisis temático de la forma en que la seguridad alimentaria y la nutrición se relacionan con los avances en la consecución de otras metas de los ODS. Ampliar la cobertura temática para incluir la nutrición ha supuesto que en la edición de este año el Fondo de las Naciones Unidas para la Infancia (UNICEF) y la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) se incorporen a la colaboración que la FAO, el FIDA y el PMA vienen manteniendo desde hace años para elaborar este informe anual.

Esperamos que la ampliación de la colaboración resulte en una comprensión más detallada y completa de lo que será necesario hacer para terminar con el hambre y todas las formas de malnutrición, y en medidas más integradas para lograr este objetivo fundamental. 
