

Resultados de la búsqueda

Down to earth:Sustainable rural transformation

agosto 2013
El mundo actual está lleno de paradojas, algunas grotescas, pero ninguna de ellas lo es más que el hecho de que mientras 870 millones de personas pasan hambre cada día, un tercio de todos los alimentos se pierde o se desperdicia. Nos maravillamos ante las tasas de crecimiento de los países de ingresos medios, pero en algunos de esos países viven decenas de millones de personas muy pobres. Alrededor del 75 por ciento de los habitantes más pobres del mundo viven en las zonas rurales y obtienen sus medios de vida principalmente de la agricultura, al tiempo que producen más del 80 por ciento de los alimentos que se consumen en África Subsahariana y partes de Asia. No obstante, muchos de ellos son a su vez compradores netos de alimentos.

Small-scale producers in the development of coffee value chain partnerships

julio 2013
Brochure illustrating IFAD's support to coffee value-chain development.

Small-scale producers in the development of tea value chain partnership

julio 2013
Small-scale producers in the development of tea value chain partnerships 

Small-scale producers in the development of cocoa value chain partnership

julio 2013
Brochure illustrating IFAD's support to cocoa value-chain development.

Documento occasional 4: La importancia de la ampliación de escala para el desarrollo agrícola y rural

julio 2013
La tesis defendida en este artículo es que los gobiernos de los países que planifican sus programas de desarrollo agrícola y rural a gran escala —por lo general abarcando todo el sector agrícola y todos o la mayoría de los componentes importantes para el crecimiento agrícola y el desarrollo rural— obtienen mejores resultados en cuanto a producción agrícola y reducción de la pobreza rural y el hambre que los que no realizan inversiones de mayor magnitud y de escala en este tipo de desarrollo.

IFAD Annual Report 2012

junio 2013
Conozca los resultados y el impacto del FIDA leyendo el Informe Anual 2012. En él se relatan asimismo las historias de las mujeres y hombres con los que el Fondo trabaja en las zonas rurales; se describen las dificultades con que se enfrentan y sus logros. En el informe de este año se ponen de relieve las nuevas orientaciones e iniciativas del FIDA, que contribuyen a aumentar la seguridad alimentaria y reducir la pobreza rural en el mundo en desarrollo. El informe ofrece, además, los datos y cifras que el Fondo comunica periódicamente a sus Estados Miembros y asociados.

Securing smallholder farmers’ land and water rights in irrigation schemes in Malawi, Rwanda and Swaziland

junio 2013

IFAD and UN-Habitat, through the Global Land Tool Network (GLTN), have entered into a partnership to implement the „Land and Natural Resources Learning Initiative for Eastern and Southern Africa (TSLI-ESA)‟. 

The initiative aims to improve knowledge management strategies and approaches towards pro-poor and gender-sensitive land and natural resource tenure rights in selected East and Southern African countries. 

Filling the inter-generational gap in knowledge on Agricultural Water Management: twinning Junior and Senior Experts

junio 2013
The Jr/Sr twinning project was developed in the context of IFAD‟s Initiative for Mainstreaming Innovation. The project seeks to enhance IFAD's capacity to promote innovations that will have a positive impact on rural poverty: testing new methodologies to respond to old and new challenges with new solutions.  

Combatir la pobreza rural - La función de las TIC

junio 2013
¿Qué pueden hacer las tecnologías de la información (TIC) por los 900 miliones de personas que viven en zonas rurales en condiciones de pobreza extrema?

Findings of four case studies conducted by indigenous people on IFAD-funded projects in Asia and the Pacific - a Regional Overview

junio 2013
Based on the successful experience in 2005 in reviewing the IFAD-funded projects with indigenous peoples by indigenous experts, independent studies were conducted on selected IFAD-funded projects in each region. The studies on IFAD-funded projects with indigenous peoples are aimed to support IFAD in enhancing its development effectiveness in its engagement with indigenous peoples. In general, the case studies:
a) Identified existing policies and institutions, good practices, key success factors and innovations in selected on-going IFAD-funded projects with indigenous peoples with a potential for scaling up and replication;
b) Assessed the implementation of the IFAD Policy on Engagement with Indigenous Peoples in IFAD-funded projects taking into account that the selected project has been approved before the approval of the policy; and,
c) Identified challenges and suggested areas of improvement in strengthening partnership between IFAD and indigenous peoples in order to address poverty and sustainable development with culture and identity.

FFR Brief - Five years of the Financing Facility for Remittances

junio 2013

This document reports on the remarkable achievements of the Financing Facility for Remittances (FFR) in its five years of operation. It provides an overview of the importance of remittances to development, the strategy that the Facility has adopted to date, and the lessons. 

The FFR Brief learned from the innovative projects it has financed. Looking forward, the report highlights the tremendous opportunities offered by large-scale distribution networks, adoption of new technologies, mobilization of migrant capital and partnering with the private sector. Each chapter has been designed to be readable as a stand-alone discussion of the specific topic area it addresses. As a number of projects resulted in lessons learned in multiple areas, projects may be mentioned more than once, and their impact in each topic area will be discussed separately.

Enviar dinero a los hogares asiáticos Oportunidades y tendencias en el mayor mercado de remesas del mundo

junio 2013
El presente informe es el resumen de una compilación de estudios sobre remesas destinadas a Asia y el Pacífico que se publicará próximamente. Las conclusiones están basadas en una serie de estudios encomendados por el Fondo Internacional de Desarrollo Agrícola (FIDA) y realizados por Developing Markets Associates, Diálogo Interamericano, el Banco Mundial y el Instituto Mundial de Cajas de Ahorro, así como en estudios y análisis llevados a cabo por el Banco Mundial. 

Proceedings of the first global meeting of the Indigenous Peoples’ Forum at IFAD

junio 2013

This report summarizes the first global meeting of the Indigenous Peoples’ Forum at IFAD in February 2013. 

The report provides an overview of the main messages conveyed, the key topics discussed, the recommendations put forward by indigenous peoples’ representatives and the regional action plans jointly agreed upon by IFAD and indigenous participants. 

For those interested in learning  more, the report provides links to background documents, case studies, videos, photos, interviews and further reading. 

Support to Farmers’Organizations in Africa Programme (SFOAP) - Main Phase 2013-2017

junio 2013

This brief paper presents the main phase of SFOAP (2013-2015). 

During this period the Programme will help African FOs to evolve into more stable, performing and accountable organizations that effectively represent their members and advise them on farming enterprises. 

Integrated GEF grant (Trust Fund) - Participatory control of desertification and poverty reduction in the arid and semi-arid high plateau ecosystems of Eastern Morocco

junio 2013

Méthodes innovantes d’amélioration sylvo-pastorale: Le cas du projet de lutte participative contre la désertification et de réduction de la pauvreté dans les écosystèmes arides et semi-arides des hauts plateaux de l’Oriental au Maroc.

Scaling up programs for the rural poor: IFAD’s experience, lessons and prospects (phase 2)

abril 2013
This paper summarizes the results of the IFAD Institutional Scaling Up Review (Phase 2), which was conducted under a grant from IFAD to the Brookings Institution.

Managing forests, sustaining lives, improving livelihoods of indigenous peoples and ethnic groups in the Mekong region, Asia

marzo 2013

This paper presents the Learning Route, ‘Managing Forests, Sustaining Lives, Improving Livelihoods of Indigenous Peoples and Ethnic Groups in the Mekong Region’, undertaken in November 2012 by PROCASUR and AIPP with the support of IFAD. 

It describes the Learning Route process, outputs and outcomes, as well as lessons learned, in addition to two case studies – one in Lao PDR and the other in Thailand – of community-based forest management, communal land titles and sustainable livelihoods. 

The document also provides a general overview of the land tenure system and its effect on the traditional livelihoods of indigenous peoples and ethnic groups in Asia, with particular focus on Lao PDR and Thailand.  

Strengthening institutions and organizations

marzo 2013
An analysis of lessons learnt from field application of IFAD’s sourcebook on institutional and organizational analysis for pro-poor change.

République du Niger: Note technique par pays sur les populations autochtones

febrero 2013

La République du Niger a une population multi-ethnique, parmi laquelle, les Touareg, les Peulh et les Toubou s‘auto-identifient comme autochtones.

IFAD and the private sector - building links to accelerate pro-poor rural development

febrero 2013

IFAD’s experience shows that, with the right support, rural communities can transform their existence in a sustainable way. Supporting the development and ownership of a viable private sector in rural areas plays a fundamental part.

We have always supported the rural private sector, providing primarily small- scale operators with financial and technical assistance to help them
improve their livelihoods.
