

Resultados de la búsqueda

Model terms of reference: Technical assistance in the development and implementation of agricultural insurance

junio 2021

The ToRs include an outline of the required steps and processes, a timeline and a list of deliverables, together with information on the profile of the service provider or team of experts.

Model terms of reference for the selection of a service provider for: Agricultural and climate risk insurance feasibility studies

junio 2021

These are model terms of reference (ToRs) for use by project designers and implementers in development organizations and governments. The objective of the ToRs is to support the contracting a specialized service provider to carry out one or more agricultural and climate risk insurance feasibility studies within the context of an IFAD-financed project or similar initiative.

Tecnología geoespacial y métodos participativos para garantizar los derechos de tenencia (GeoTech4Tenure)

junio 2021

Este programa gratuito de aprendizaje en línea apoya los proyectos y socios del FIDA y la FAO en la búsqueda de soluciones para asegurar los derechos de tenencia a través de métodos participativos y  tecnologías geomáticas.

Creating an enabling environment for private equity funds in Uganda: Policy proposals for public policymakers

junio 2021

Access to capital is widely understood to be one of the biggest constraints to business growth in Uganda. 



Investing in rural people in Bangladesh

junio 2021

IFAD has worked in Bangladesh for almost 40 years. It has supported 34 projects, costing a total of US$2,356 million, with IFAD financing of US$913 million. 

ICT4D Initiatives in the Republic of Malawi

junio 2021

This report presents several of the good ICT4D practices implemented in the Malawi portfolio.

IFAD Inclusive Financial Services Portfolio Stocktaking

junio 2021

This Inclusive Financial Services (IFS) stocktaking exercise assesses IFAD’s capacity to deliver IFS and addresses rural poor market development needs both historically and looking forward within the context of emerging opportunities and challenges.

Caja de herramientas de seguros

junio 2021

La Caja de Herramientas del Seguro proporciona herramientas técnicas y resúmenes de conocimientos para dar a los diseñadores y ejecutores de proyectos una orientación práctica sobre los seguros de riesgo agrícola y climático. La caja de herramientas ha sido elaborada por el programa INSURED, con contribuciones de socios y especialistas. 

Climate adaptation and mitigation measures for nutrition co-benefits in IFAD investments in Ghana

junio 2021

This report describes the findings of the country study carried out for the design of IFAD project on Livelihood and Productivity Enhancement of Smallholder Farmers (PROSPER) in Ghana.
