
Resultados de la búsqueda
IFAD Briefing Note - Gender and Climate: Scaling Gender and Climate Investments
IFAD's unique investing position serves as a starting point for a discussion on how it might scale up and support gender-based responses for adaptation and mitigation to climate change.
IFAD Briefing Note - Climate and Conflict: What does the evidence show?
Climate and conflict are linked, and this briefing note summarizes the evidence about the relationship between the two, what role climate finance can play in mitigating their risks, and where policy recommendations can be made to address the vulnerabilities created by both.
RemitSCOPE: Uganda Country Diagnostic
This diagnostic provides an assessment of Uganda’s remittance market, with special reference to factors related to the COVID-19 pandemic, based on a market-oriented approach.
RemitSCOPE: Senegal Country Diagnostic
The Senegal diagnostic provides an evaluation of remittance market into Senegal, under a supply-based approach.
RemitSCOPE: Morocco Country Diagnostic
This report provides an assessment of the remittances market in Morocco.
RemitSCOPE: Diagnóstico nacional de Etiopía
El diagnóstico cubre las principales áreas de interés del mercado formal de remesas de Etiopía, incluido el impacto del mercado paralelo de divisas en las remesas.
Indicador básico sobre biodiversidad: documento de orientación detallado
A fin de combatir la pérdida de biodiversidad y hacer un seguimiento de los avances en la materia, el FIDA ha aprobado un nuevo indicador básico sobre biodiversidad (resultados), esto es, el indicador 3.2.4, denominado “Mejoras de la biodiversidad a nivel de los ecosistemas”, en el marco de su Estrategia sobre Biodiversidad (2022-2025).