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Tanzania: Country Technical Note on Indigenous Peoples Issues

junio 2012

The United Republic of Tanzania (URT) has a multi-ethnic population with more than 125 different ethnic communities. Four of these—the Hadzabe, the Akie, the Maasai and the Barabaig—identify themselves as indigenous peoples. 

Kenya: Country Technical Note on Indigenous Peoples Issues

abril 2012

The Republic of Kenya has a multi-ethnic population, among which more than 25 communities identify as indigenous.

Democratic Republic of the Congo: Country Technical Note on Indigenous Peoples Issues

enero 2012

The DRC is a multi-ethnic country with some 250 ethnic groups, including several indigenous Pygmy groups.

Weather Index-based Insurance in agricultural development: a technical guide

noviembre 2011

Poor rural people in developing countries are vulnerable to a range of risks and constraints that impede their socio-economic development. Weather risk, in particular, is pervasive in agriculture. 

Enhancing market transparency

noviembre 2011
G20 leaders, meeting at their Seoul Summit in November 2010, requested FAO, IFAD, IMF, OECD, UNCTAD, WFP, the World Bank and the WTO to work with key stakeholders “to develop options for G20 consideration on how to better mitigate and manage the risks associated with the price volatility of food and other agriculture commodities, without distorting market behaviour, ultimately to protect the most vulnerable.” This mandate was part of a comprehensive Multi-Year Action Plan for Development, of which food security was one theme among several including infrastructure, human resource development, trade, private investment and job creation, and growth with resilience.

Building and operating a mini-hatchery - sand method

septiembre 2011
La producción avícola a pequeña escala es una importante fuente de ingresos y nutrientes para la población rural pobre en el mundo en desarrollo. El sistema se basa en el suministro regular de polluelos de gallina y pato.
El presente manual describe:
• cómo construir una minincubadora con arena
• cómo obtener y seleccionar los huevos fértiles
• cómo colocar los huevos en la incubadora
• el mantenimiento cotidiano de la incubadora, y
• el manejo de los polluelos al eclosionar.

Instrumentos de decisión del FIDA en la financiación rural

marzo 2010
The objective of IFAD Decision Tools for Rural Finance is to provide decision-making support for the IFAD country programme managers (CPMs), consultants, project staff and technical advisers who develop and implement rural finance projects. Built on the IFAD Rural Finance Policy (RFP) (IFAD 2009), as well as other good practice guides, this knowledge management tool is designed to help identify and answer the questions that arise in each rural finance project, provide background on key issues, define common terms, highlight risks and opportunities, and provide references for further investigation. 

El potencial para la ampliación y sostenibilidad de los seguros basados en índices climáticos para la agricultura y subsistencia rural

marzo 2010

El riesgo es inherente a la agricultura. Los agricultores enfrentan una variedad de riesgos de producción y de mercado que hace que sus ingresos sean inestables e impredecibles de un año a otro. 

Guidance Notes for institutional analysis in rural development programmes: an overview

marzo 2009

Guidance notes for institutional analysis in rural development programmes provides a synthesis of the training materials developed as part of the Institutional Analysis (IA) methodology. They propose that we rethink how we conceptualize and promote institutional change, particularly for pro-poor service delivery. 

They provide a framework and the analytical tools for designing programmes and projects that feature implementation modalities based on some of the core principles of good governance, focusing on “pro-poor governance” and systemic sustainability at the micro and meso levels.

Institutional and organizational analysis for pro-poor change: meeting IFAD's millennium challenge - A sourcebook

junio 2008

As part of its obligations undertaken to achieve the Millennium Development Goals, IFAD committed itself to enabling the rural poor to help themselves out of poverty by increasing theirorganizational capacity to influence institutions of relevance to rural poverty reduction (policies, laws and regulations).

As a result, IFAD has embarked upon a process to strengthen its own organizational competencies in institutional analysis and dialogue.
This sourcebook is an attempt to complement and further this process. It has been written keeping in mind the needs of country programme managers, as well as consultants working with IFAD.
