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Working Group on the Performance-Based Allocation System

A broader understanding of evolving issues in PBAS implementation

At its eighty-seventh session in April 2006, the Executive Board agreed to convene a working group to develop a broader understanding of evolving issues in PBAS implementation. The suggestion came from the Report of the Consultation on the Seventh Replenishment of IFAD's Resources approved by the Governing Council.

In approving the Report of the Consultation on the Eighth Replenishment of IFAD's Resources in February 2009, the Governing Council requested that the Board mandate the continuation of the PBAS Working Group.

It also recommended the Group review the practices of other international financial institutions (IFIs) and identify improvements to the system. The PBAS Working Group would then review and assess proposals for improvement, which would subsequently be presented to the Executive Board and Governing Council for consideration and approval.

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List C meeting

21 July 2017

PBAS Technical Meeting

03 - 04 April 2008