Événement | 09 septembre 2021

Technologies géospatiales au service de l'enregistrement des terres

en visioconférence

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11h30 (heure de Rome) - Social Tenure Domain Model (STDM)

Le Bureau pour les questions foncières du FIDA et l'Unité des régimes fonciers de la FAO vous invitent cordialement à une série de webinaires courts et informatifs sur les solutions technologiques au service de l'enregistrement des terres qui sont organisés dans le cadre du projet GeoTech4Tenure.

Les fournisseurs de technologie présenteront leurs solutions logicielles et des exemples ainsi que des détails relatifs à leurs applications pratiques.

Chaque webinaire dure 30 minutes. Après une courte présentation, les participants peuvent poser des questions. Tous les événements sont enregistrés.

Une seule inscription pour tous les webinaires.

Les webinaires se tiendront en langue anglaise

Retrouvez davantage de détails relatifs aux webinaires et les vidéos des précédents rendez-vous sur notre page en anglais.

Mobile Applications to Secure Tenure (MAST)
Thursday, 29 July, 11:30 CEST

The Mobile Applications to Secure Tenure (MAST) is a tool-agnostic approach that uses common land administration and resource management data standards and can be adapted by any development partners and stakeholders to test and scale new methods for participatory land and resources management.

Presenter: Ioana Bouvier, senior spatial data science and technology advisor, USAID

Thursday, 15 July, 14:00 CEST

Cadasta develops and promotes simple digital tools and technology to help to efficiently document, analyse, store, maintain and share critical land and resources rights information.

Presenter: Frank Pichel, co-founder and chief programs officer of Cadasta Foundation

SOLA & Open Tenure
Thursday, 1 July, 11:30 CEST

SOLA & Open Tenure are open-source software to help protect tenure rights and support the implementation of the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests. These tools include solutions for land administration (SOLA) and community tenure recording (Open Tenure).

Presenter: Maria Paola Rizzo, land tenure officer and field geo-data collection tool specialist at FAO

Thursday, 8 July, 11:30 CEST

The Community Land Value Chain Approach (CaVaTeCo) is a conceptual model and a platform of tools that help rural communities in Mozambique to secure and leverage their land rights under Mozambican Law. The methodology provides step-by-step guidance and support for the first time registration of land rights, both at community level, and then for individual households.

Presenter: Simon Norfolk, director of Terra Firma

Thursday, 15 July, 14:00 CEST

Cadasta develops and promotes simple digital tools and technology to help to efficiently document, analyse, store, maintain and share critical land and resources rights information.

Presenter: Frank Pichel, co-founder and chief programs officer of Cadasta Foundation


About GeoTech4Tenure

This webinar series accompanies the online learning programme Combining Geospatial Technology and Participatory Methods for Securing Tenure Rights (GeoTech4Tenure) that supports IFAD and FAO programmes and partners in finding solutions to secure tenure rights through the combined application of participatory methods and geomatic technology.

The training programme is being jointly developed and implemented by FAO and IFAD.

The pilot edition of this programme ran in the first half of 2021. Further editions are planned. Please subscribe to the land tenure emailing list to be informed about next editions.
