Événement | 13 juillet 2021

Webinaire - Pâturages au Kirghizistan. Télédétection et politique climat

En visioconférence

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16h00 - 16h30 (heure de Rome)

Plus de la moitié de la superficie totale du Kirghizstan est utilise comme pâturage pour ses 1,7 million de bovins et 6,3 millions de moutons et de chèvres. De nombreux pâturages tendent à se degrader à cause du surpâturage, un phénomène encore exacerbé par les changements climatiques.

L’étude présentée lors de ce webinaire confirme cette situation, en s’appuyant sur des technologies de télédétection permettant une analyse au plus près du terrain.


  • Carlos Doménech, coordinateur du pôle "Résilience climatique" dans le cadre de l'initiative EO4SD -Observation de la Terre au service du développement durable de l'Agence spatiale européenne (ESA)
  • Oliver Mundy, consultant du FIDA

Ce webinaire sera tenu en anglais. Plus d'informations sur notre page en langue anglaise.

Ce wébinaire est organisé par le GeoGroup du FIDA.

Using the maps

The results of this study informed the update of the country’s Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) - its commitments to reducing emissions and adapting to changing climate in line with the Paris Agreement. The livestock sector analysis of the NDC update includes maps and statistics of this study.

The maps can also be used to prioritize areas for pasture rehabilitation, inform pasture management plans, and can feed into greenhouse gas inventories.

Joint collaboration

The maps were produced by the Climate Resilience Cluster of the Earth Observation for Sustainable Development (EO4SD CR) initiative, a programme of the European Space Agency (ESA), in partnership with IFAD and German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ).

Valuable insights and data have been provided by the NGO Camp Alatoo, UNIQUE Company, the Kyrgyz State Agency for Land Resources and the FAO PRAGA project. The IFAD country team and staff of IFAD-funded Livestock Markets Development Programme II have supported this work as well.

Earth Observation for Sustainable Development (EO4SD)

The programme funded by the European Space Agency (ESA) aims to promote the usage of Earth observation-derived information in sustainable development. The initiative is organized in seven thematic consortia of companies whose task it is to provide geospatial tools, data and services to international finance institutes, such as IFAD. The “Climate Resilience” cluster of the programme has supported IFAD’s portfolios in Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Lesotho. The cluster holds expertise on geospatial assessments on climate change adaptation and hosts a data platform called ADAM. The collaboration between IFAD and the Climate Resilience cluster of the programme started in the summer of 2019.

This webinar is organized by the IFAD GeoGroup.
