Beatrice Gerli - FIDA
- Nous, le FIDA
- Notre action
- Sur le terrain
- Domaines d'intervention
Autonomiser les populations rurales Femmes rurales Jeunes ruraux Peuples autochtones Personnes handicapéesProtéger l'environnement Climat et environnement BiodiversitéConsolider les revenus et les marchés Secteur privé Finance rurale Marchés et filières La gestion des terres et de leurs ressourcesRenforcer la résilience Institutions rurales et organisations paysannes Envois de fonds Nutrition Se préparer aux crises
- Études et chiffres
- Rejoignez-nous
- Nous, le FIDA
- À propos
- Visages du FIDA
- Gouvernance
- Transparence et Responsabilité
- Notre action
- Investir pour les populations rurales
- Notre méthode
- Notre impact
- Sur le terrain
- Domaines d'intervention
- Autonomiser les populations rurales
- Protéger l'environnement
- Consolider les revenus et les marchés
- Promouvoir une agriculture durable
- Renforcer la résilience
- Études et chiffres
- Rejoignez-nous
- Actualités & Décryptages
Beatrice Gerli is the IFAD coordinator for the Joint Programme Economic empowerment of rural women.
She also provides technical support on targeting, gender and M&E for the design and implementation of IFAD programmes and country strategies.
Gerli works extensively on the implementation of transformative methodologies and innovative M&E techniques, such as the WEAI.
Before joining IFAD in 2012 she worked for several international organizations – both in the field and headquarters.
She worked for FAO’s Investment Center and evaluation. Prior to this, Gerli worked as Project Officer in UNESCO’s Central America office.
Earlier positions include European Commission, Inter-American Development Bank and UNDP Brazil, where she dealt with the promotion of social inclusion in the context of private sector development.
Gerli holds a Masters cum laude in Economics and Public Management from Bocconi University, Milan.
She engaged in development economics and policy analysis through a graduate exchange programme at Fundaçầo Getulio Vargas Sầo Paulo in Brazil.