Eoghan Molloy - FIDA
- Nous, le FIDA
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- Domaines d'intervention
Autonomiser les populations rurales Femmes rurales Jeunes ruraux Peuples autochtones Personnes handicapéesProtéger l'environnement Climat et environnement BiodiversitéConsolider les revenus et les marchés Secteur privé Finance rurale Marchés et filières La gestion des terres et de leurs ressourcesRenforcer la résilience Institutions rurales et organisations paysannes Envois de fonds Nutrition Se préparer aux crises
- Études et chiffres
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- Nous, le FIDA
- À propos
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- Gouvernance
- Transparence et Responsabilité
- Notre action
- Investir pour les populations rurales
- Notre méthode
- Notre impact
- Sur le terrain
- Domaines d'intervention
- Autonomiser les populations rurales
- Protéger l'environnement
- Consolider les revenus et les marchés
- Promouvoir une agriculture durable
- Renforcer la résilience
- Études et chiffres
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- Actualités & Décryptages
Eoghan Molloy is an Evaluation Officer in the Independent Office of Evaluation of IFAD (IOE).
Prior to joining IFAD, he worked as an evaluation specialist with FAO Office of Evaluation. In addition to supporting thematic and strategic evaluations at the corporate level, Molloy has participated in several evaluations of large country programmes and has managed numerous evaluations of development projects in Africa and Asia. He has previously worked with the Development Centre of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development in Paris, contributing to the production of the African Economic Outlook annual report, and with the green growth capacity development team of United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific in Bangkok.
He holds a joint Master’s degree in Development Practice from Trinity College Dublin and University College Dublin, and a Bachelor’s degree in Civil Law from University College Dublin, Ireland.