Jean-Claude Bidogeza - FIDA
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Jean-Claude Bidogeza is Technical Specialist for the Platform on Agricultural Risk Management (PARM) at the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). He is responsible for supporting the management of the PARM process in our countries of operations. He works alongside host governments to support generating evidence-based knowledge and analytics on agricultural risk management (ARM) and in the design of investment projects on ARM in participatory and inclusive manner with country stakeholders.
Bidogeza joined IFAD in January 2021 from his previous position at African Risk Capacity (ARC) as Lead Economist. Since 2011 he has been working in management, research and development in areas of sustainable development in Africa and beyond. He worked as Agricultural Economist and Head of Liaison Office in Cameroon for the World Vegetable Center and as Strategic Advisor to the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources (MINAGRI) as a World Bank long-term consultant. His main areas of expertise are disaster risk management, risk financing solutions, the impact and adoption of innovations, value chains analysis and agribusiness incubation.
Bidogeza holds a PhD in business economics from Wageningen the University and Research Center (The Netherlands), a Master of Sciences in the management of physical land resources from Ghent University (Belgium) and visiting scientific experiences from Georgia University (USA).