Rahul Antao - FIDA
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Autonomiser les populations rurales Femmes rurales Jeunes ruraux Peuples autochtones Personnes handicapéesProtéger l'environnement Climat et environnement BiodiversitéConsolider les revenus et les marchés Secteur privé Finance rurale Marchés et filières La gestion des terres et de leurs ressourcesRenforcer la résilience Institutions rurales et organisations paysannes Envois de fonds Nutrition Se préparer aux crises
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- Domaines d'intervention
- Autonomiser les populations rurales
- Protéger l'environnement
- Consolider les revenus et les marchés
- Promouvoir une agriculture durable
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Rahul Antao is a consultant at the Youth Desk at the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). He supports the team in grant writing and management, knowledge management, partnership development, technical review of projects and he contributes to corporate level requirements.
Before joining the Fund in 2016, Antao had worked with sustainable food systems for almost a decade, focusing on indigenous and biocultural diversity. From 2012 to 2015, he worked in the northeast of India with North East Slow Food Agrobiodiversity (NESFAS) - an organization dedicated to supporting the sustainable development of indigenous peoples and their food systems.
Antao holds two undergraduate degrees; one from the Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) with a focus on food production and applied nutrition in India and a second one in food and agricultural sciences from the Università degli Studi di Scienze Gastronomiche in Italy. Antao also serves as a Steering Committee member for the Young Professionals for Agricultural Development (YPARD).