À Cuba, l’électricité propre alimente la résilience en milieu rural
Cuba connaît des pannes d'électricité récurrentes. Mais sur sa côte Est, une transition énergétique est en route.
Ce mois-ci, nous nous intéressons à la raréfaction de l’eau. Tout d’abord, nous plongerons dans le monde de l’agrobiodiversité et verrons comment cette dernière peut participer d’une meilleure utilisation de l’eau et réduire le recours aux pesticides et aux engrais chimiques. Nous verrons comment les innovations financées par le FIDA aident des agriculteurs jordaniens et découvrirons l’importance de la protection de l’eau au Proche-Orient et en Afrique du Nord, où l’agriculture paye un lourd tribut aux changements climatiques. Vous entendrez des récits éclairants sur de nouvelles technologies, comme l’aquaponie et l’hydroponie, deux techniques durables reposant sur l’eau. Enfin, nous vous montrerons comment le FIDA travaille main dans la main avec la série B du football italien pour appuyer les communautés rurales et l’agriculture durable.
Uniquement disponible en anglais.
Episode content
Dina Saleh, Regional Director, Near East, North Africa and Europe Division at IFAD |
Dina Saleh is IFAD’s Regional Director for the Near East, North Africa and Europe Division. She talks to us about the communities across the region affected by poor access to water and how farmers have adapted to the problem – from new irrigation systems to buying drought-tolerant seeds and even changing crop patterns.
Karim Ismail, SAIL Monitoring and Evaluation Manager |
Karim Ismail manages the Sustainable Agriculture Investments and Livelihoods Project (SAIL), an IFAD-funded project that helps small-scale farmers in Egypt. From the field, he tells us about the innovative ways in which farmers in the region are adapting to water scarcity.
The Director of Jordan's Rural Economic Growth and Employment Project (REGEP), Zaid Al-Nsour, discusses the impact of climate change across the Middle East and North Africa and highlights the lack of rain and how it affects agriculture, livelihoods and food security.
Dina Saleh |
We go back to chatting with IFAD’s Dina Saleh, who tells us more about water management in the Near East, North Africa and Europe region and the need to adapt to the world’s new climactic realities.
Grace Kyarimpa, CEO of Agro Diverse Limited, Kenya |
Grace Kyarimpa, the CEO of Agro Diverse Limited in Kenya, sheds some light on insect farming and all it can do for the world, including providing a sustainable source of animal protein and promoting biodiversity.
Dr Colin Zhu |
Dr Colin Zhu is more than a doctor, he’s also a chef and a nutritionist. He tells us about the many benefits of organic produce, including their high levels of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. A better choice for optimal health!
Charles Miller, Director of Business Development at Solynta, The Netherlands |
Charles Miller is the Director of Business Development at Dutch biotechnology company Solynta. He tells us about the company and their expertise: hybrid potato breeding and how it helps farmers increase their yields and income.
Mauro Balata, President of Italy’s Serie B football league |
Mauro Balata, president of Italy’s Serie B football league, tells us about the organization’s partnership with IFAD and emphasizes the importance of giving back to the community and the world.
Join us next month as we take a look at Small Island Developing States and how they are being impacted by climate change and food insecurity.
Many thanks to our producer here in Rome, Francesco Manetti. And to the rest of the team: Nour Bona and Michelle Makena Mwimbi in Nairobi. Your hosts are Brian Thomson and Michelle Tang.
To you, our audience, thanks for listening to the Farms.Food.Future podcast brought to you by the International Fund for Agricultural Development. Remember, we want to hear from you – what do you think about our stories and the issues discussed, and who do you want us to talk with – get in touch at [email protected].
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