Gestion des risques agricoles pour la résilience aux aléas du climat et des marchés au Burkina Faso
Ce rapport présente les principaux résultats de chaque phase du processus PARM au Burkina Faso.
The Smallholder and Agri-SME Finance and Investment Network (SAFIN) is an inclusive partnership of actors operating in different parts of the ecosystem for agri-food and rural small and medium enterprise (SME) investment, with a focus on access to finance and complementary services.
This report documents the results achieved from the work among all SAFIN partners. Throughout the year, learnings from key analytical processes were documented in 17 knowledge products; agri-finance practitioners were convened in 15 webinars and learning events including the first virtual Annual Plenary Week; SAFIN remained an active champion for increased investment into agri-SMEs in global and regional forums; and new tools for increased connectivity were introduced to the Network.
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