Investing in rural people in Nepal


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Investing in rural people in Nepal

Nepal was one of the first countries to benefit from IFAD loans, beginning in 1978.

IFAD’s strategy in Nepal (COSOP 2013-2018, extended to 2020) supports the development policies and programmes of the government and other partners. It supports initiatives to facilitate the transformation of a subsistence-based rural economy into a sustainable, market-driven, productive sector generating equitable benefits for poor rural people and disadvantaged groups – in a context of climate change and a fragile and politically unstable environment – by promoting inclusive and resilient growth in rural areas.

Historically, IFAD’s investments have been concentrated in the remote hill and mountain areas, where poverty levels are high and access to infrastructure, services and markets is extremely limited.

Key activities include:

  • providing rural infrastructure and services
  • targeting the most marginalized ethnic and social groups
  • improving income-generating opportunities for poor rural households
  • supporting good governance and peace-building
  • promoting community cohesion and resilience.