
Résultats de recherche

Grant Results Sheet: ICIPE - Scaling up biological control of the diamondback moth on crucifers in East Africa to other African regions

décembre 2017
The goal of the project was to increase the income of rural smallholder vegetable producers through the improved safety and quality of vegetables in the supply chain for domestic markets.

United Kingdom and IFAD

octobre 2017
The United Kingdom and IFAD are working closely together to meet Sustainable Development Goals 1 and 2: ending poverty and hunger by 2030. They have made a special commitment to boost inclusive and sustainable economic paths and create jobs in the poorest rural areas of the world, especially in Africa, where 10 to 12 million young people enter the labour market every year.

Envoi de fonds et réseaux de microfinancement

octobre 2017
Sur les 450 milliards d’USD de fonds que les travailleurs migrants envoient chaque année chez eux, dans les pays en développement, entre 30% et 40% sont destinés aux zones
rurales. Au départ de la chaîne migratoire, les personnes quittent le milieu rural pour aller chercher ailleurs le travail qu’elles ne trouvent pas près de chez elles. Les institutions de
microfinancement (IMF) sont particulièrement à même de répondre aux besoins des destinataires des envois de fonds, et de réinvestir les fonds excédentaires de façon à offrir de meilleures perspectives à la communauté locale.

Grant Results Sheet ILRI - Enhancing dairy- based livelihoods in India and Tanzania through feed innovation and value chain development approaches

octobre 2017

The MilkIT research for development project set out to improve dairy-centred livelihoods in India and Tanzania through intensification of smallholder
production focused on enhancement of feeds and feeding using innovation platforms and value chain approaches.

The project worked in the state of Uttarakhand in India and in Morogoro and Tanga regions in Tanzania. In both countries dairy has considerable potential to improve the livelihoods and nutrition of poor farming families but this potential has been underexploited. MilkIT focused on improving milk productivity through multistakeholder engagement to increase milk marketing and dairy cow feeding.

Investing in rural people in the Dominican Republic

octobre 2017
Over the past 25 years, the Dominican Republic has enjoyed one of the strongest growth rates in Latin America and the Caribbean. Recent growth has been driven by construction, manufacturing and tourism.
