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Nigeria IAP factsheet
Grant Results Sheet RAIN Foundation Rainwater for food security, setting an enabling environment
Rainwater harvesting (RWH) is often overlooked as a source of water supply. Yet it holds great potential to address the ever-increasing shortages of water globally. The huge potential of RWH for multiple-use services, such as food production, soil and water conservation and water, sanitation and hygiene, has not been adequately recognized, and certainly not implemented, as a solution for water problems on a wider and larger scale.
RWH initiatives are still too scattered and the lessons and results not shared. Policies, legal regulations and government budgets often do not include RWH in integrated water resource management and poverty reduction strategies.
Dix années d’engagement du FIDA aux côtés des peuples autochtones
Dix années d’engagement du FIDA aux côtés des peuples autochtones Au cours des dix dernières années, de grandes avancées ont été réalisées dans la reconnaissance formelle des droits des peuples autochtones. Nous citerons notamment l’adoption de la Déclaration des Nations Unies sur les droits des peuples autochtones (UNDRIP), lors de l’Assemblée générale des Nations Unies en 2007. Fort de plus de 30 années de collaboration avec les peuples autochtones, le FIDA dote les communautés des moyens nécessaires pour atteindre leurs propres objectifs et participer pleinement à l’élaboration des stratégies favorables à leur développement. Lors de la dernière décennie, le FIDA a pris des mesures pour soutenir les peuples autochtones à mieux contrôler leurs propres initiatives de développement.
Cette publication se penche sur la manière dont le FIDA a fait évoluer son engagement auprès des peuples autochtones, en donnant la parole à ceux et à celles qui ont participé ensemble à ce processus de changement. Dans le droit fil du Programme de développement durable à l’horizon 2030 (Programme 2030), qui vise à ne laisser personne de côté, le Cadre stratégique du FIDA 2016-2025 réaffirme l’engagement du Fonds en faveur du développement autonome des peuples autochtones. Les citations et les photographies qui figurent dans ce document proviennent de la troisième réunion mondiale du Forum des peuples autochtones au FIDA, du 10 au 13 février 2017.
ASAP Mozambique factsheet
A recent study by the National Institute for Disaster Management (INGC)1 of Mozambique suggests that within ten years the impact of climate change will be increasingly felt within the Limpopo Corridor. The soil moisture content before the onset of the rains is set to decrease and higher temperatures and droughts are expected to increase in the southern region.
The goal of PROSUL is to improve the livelihoods and climate resilience of smallholder farmers in selected districts of the Maputo and Limpopo Corridors.
Grant Result Sheet ICRAF - Strengthening rural institutions
The programme, referred to as the Strengthening Rural Institutions (SRI) project, was implemented by the World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) Eastern and Southern Africa Region from 2011 to 2014. The project aimed to bring about a sustainable rural transformation process by strengthening the “institutional infrastructure” for integrated natural resource management, food security and poverty alleviation in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda.
The project’s main goal was to support grassroots organizations to meaningfully participate in governance processes where their livelihoods and well-being, and the environment, are at stake, with an emphasis on enabling poor rural households to aggregate, mobilize and access rural services.
Grant Results Sheet UNESCO - Spate irrigation for rural economic growth and poverty alleviation
The goal of this programme was to develop spate irrigation policies and programmes, based on action research and documented practical experiences, that contribute to rural poverty alleviation and accelerated economic growth in marginal areas in Ethiopia, Pakistan, Sudan and Yemen.
Specific objectives: 1. Strengthen networks in the four countries. 2. Prepare country policy notes. 3. Implement two innovative action research activities per country that can be scaled up. 4. Further develop knowledge, including in local languages, and open-source knowledge-sharing. 5. Train four international MSc students. 6. Incorporate spate irrigation into programmes of universities and agricultural colleges in the four target countries. 7. Create a global inventory of spate irrigation and flood-based farming systems. 8. Provide technical backstopping to IFAD projects and country programmes.