
Résultats de recherche
Rapport annuel 2023 du FIDA
Le Rapport annuel 2023 du FIDA détaille comment le FIDA innove pour combiner les sources de financements à investir pour les populations rurales et comment il évolue pour avoir encore plus d’impact sur le terrain.
Le partenariat Norvège-FIDA
Le FIDA et la Norvège ont une même vision d’un monde libéré de la pauvreté et de la faim.
The Donor Platform's 2023 Annual Report
2023 marked the Platform’s 20th anniversary. This report highlights the activities and results in catalysing change and harmonizing impact, with a focus on sustainable and blended financing for ending hunger, donor coordination and better data for food systems and rural development.
Promoting financial inclusion through digitalization of remittances
This report highlights the transformative power of digital solutions to enhance financial inclusion and reduce remittance costs.
IFAD Remittance Innovation Toolkit
This toolkit provides guidance on improving access to secure and swift remittance services through enhanced identity verification and customer due diligence (CDD) practices.
Note d'orientation: libérer le potentiel que représente la culture du manioc
Cette note d'orientation contient des recommandations aux fins d'élaboration et de mise en œuvre de politiques relatives à l'exportation de cossettes de manioc vers les pays voisins.
Fiches d'information sur les projets menés dans le cadre du Mécanisme de coopération Sud-Sud et triangulaire (CSST) Chine-FIDA
Ces fiches d'information donnent un bref aperçu des objectifs, des activités et des produits de chacun des projets, ainsi que des partenariats prévus dans le cadre de ces derniers en matière de CSST.
Contributions Additionnelles de Base pour le Climat: Renforcer l’action climatique du FIDA
This brief outlines why Additional Climate Contributions matter and how they will work.
Maximizing Sustainable Pasture Management in Georgia: A Holistic Policy Perspective
This research paper provides a detailed analysis of pasture management in Georgia.
Strengthening value chains and transforming rural communities in Nigeria
The Value Chain Development Programme (VCDP) develops cassava and rice value chains for smallholder farmers by building strong public–private–producer partnerships.
Infographie - FIDA13 en un coup d'œil
Ce document présente de façon graphique FIDA13 sous ses principaux aspects: les ambitions, cibles, approches et outils qui sont les nôtres.
IFAD’s Newsletter on South-South and Triangular Cooperation – Issue 3
The third edition of Shared Development, IFAD’s South-South and Triangular Cooperation (SSTC) newsletter, highlights how we leverage SSTC as a tool for country programme delivery.
PRUNSAR Lessons Learned
This Lessons Learned document highlights two main approaches which were particularly effective for scaling research-based agricultural innovations under the PRUNSAR programme.
SAFIN Annual Progress Report 2023
The SAFIN Annual Progress Report 2023 captures the network’s achievements in fostering collaboration with the agricultural finance ecosystem, sharing market intelligence, advocating for small businesses and farmers, and building regional partnerships.
Enhancing Rural Finance Design and Implementation: Lessons from IFAD’s Operations in Egypt
This report examines the complexities of inclusive rural finance in Egypt, highlighting challenges and opportunities, and offering innovative solutions.
Investing in rural people in Türkiye
Türkiye is IFAD’s largest recipient of financial assistance in the Europe and Central Asia sub-region. IFAD investments contribute to reducing rural poverty in the upland areas of the country.
IFAD Project Procurement Annual Report 2023
The 2023 Project Procurement Annual Report provides a comprehensive overview of IFAD's project procurement activities throughout the year.
Investir dans les populations rurales au Viet Nam
La présente fiche de pays illustre la stratégie adoptée par le FIDA pour éradiquer la pauvreté au Viet Nam, qui s’attache surtout à multiplier les innovations favorables aux pauvres.
Investing in rural people in Zambia
The primary aim of IFAD’s work in Zambia is to increase the income and food security of poor rural people through sustainable, diversified and climate-resilient rural livelihoods.
Unleashing the Catalytic Power of Donor Financing to Achieve SDG 2
This report presents the findings and recommendations of an enquiry into sustainable finance in agrifood systems conducted by the Global Donor Platform for Rural Development.