

Résultats de recherche

Petites exploitations, grands effets: intégrer le changement climatique dans les activités aux fins de la résilience et de la sécurité alimentaire

novembre 2014
Dans un grand nombre de pays en développement,
le changement climatique fait peser une menace sur la
base de ressources naturelles. Il accélère la dégradation
des écosystèmes et rend l’agriculture plus aléatoire.
Par conséquent, les petits exploitants, qui jouent un
rôle essentiel pour la sécurité alimentaire mondiale,
sont confrontés à des conditions météorologiques
plus extrêmes. Les petits agriculteurs subissent de
façon plus immédiate l’impact des sécheresses, des
inondations et des tempêtes, mais ils sont en outre
touchés progressivement par les effets du changement
climatique, comme le stress hydrique dont souffrent
les cultures et le bétail, l’érosion des côtes due à
l’élévation du niveau de la mer et les infestations
imprévisibles de ravageurs.

Insights and lessons learned from the reflections on the PIALA piloting in Vietnam

novembre 2014
Under the 9th  Replenishment, IFAD committed to moving 80 million rural people out of poverty cumulative from 2010 onwards to 2015, and conducting 30 rigorous impact assessments. Hence the urgent need for appropriate methodologies for impact assessment. To respond to this need, a few piloting initiatives have been launched, one of which is the Improved Learning Initiative (ILI) 2. This  initiative  aims  to  develop  a  potentially  scalable  Participatory  Impact  Assessment  and Learning Approach (PIALA) that can help IFAD and its partners collaboratively assessexplain and debate its contributions to rural poverty impact. The PIALA design and piloting is funded by IFAD’s DFID-financed Innovation Mainstreaming Initiative (IMI) and BMGF’s Measurement, Learning and Evaluation Unit in the Agricultural Development Program; and with important contributions from IFAD’s Country Program Offices and partners in the pilot countries (Vietnam and Ghana), and its Strategy & Knowledge Management and Program Management Departments.

Pacific Regional Workshop Report

novembre 2014

In February 2013, the First Global Meeting of the Indigenous Peoples Forum took place at the IFAD headquarters in Rome, in conjunction with the 36th session of the Governing Council. In attendance at this inaugural meeting were 31 indigenous people’s representatives from 25 countries in Asia, Pacific, Latin America, Africa and the Caribbean regions. Of the 19 Asia- Pacific regional representatives, two were from the Pacific; Mr. Anthony Wale, the Executive Director Aoke Langalanga Constituency Apex Association (ALCAA), and Ms Rufina Peter, Senior Research Officer at the PNG Institute of National Affairs.

During the meeting the Pacific representatives highlighted the need for the Pacific to have a “separate identity” as per the outcomes of Asia Pacific regional preparatory workshop in Bangkok. The issue was one of visibility for the Pacific Region due to its unique, rich and diverse cultures and traditions, its significant land and sea area and its high biodiversity. The Pacific Regional meeting proposed three action plans, of which the Pacific Regional Workshop in preparation of the Second Global Meeting of the Indigenous Peoples’ Forum at IFAD is a direct result.

GFR 2013 Official Report

novembre 2014
This report proceeds from the Global Forum on Remittances held in Bangkok, Thailand in 2013.

Étude de cas - Participation des chefs et des dirigeants traditionnels en Zambie

novembre 2014
Cette méthodologie entend promouvoir la participation active des chefs et des dirigeants traditionnels au développement humain inclusif dans les communautés rurales de Zambie.

Étude de cas - L’approche axée sur les ménages en Zambie

novembre 2014
L’approche axée sur les ménages a été mise en œuvre dans le cadre du Programme de soutien de l’agriculture exécuté dans quatre provinces (Centrale, Orientale, Septentrionale et Méridionale) de la Zambie, et a couvert 22 des 72 districts, dans 242 secteurs de vulgarisation agricole.

A field practitioner's guide: Institutional and organizational analysis and capacity strengthening

novembre 2014

The purpose of this Guide is to support institutional and organizational analysis and strengthening (IOA/S) for design and implementation of programmes and projects.
The Guide is designed to be a practical, hands-on set of directions to those needing to answer the following questions: “how to go about doing institutional and organizational analysis? And once I’ve done it, how do I go about using this analysis to promote sustainable institutions and organizations?”

This is intended as a user-friendly Guide, the use of which could help identify strategic partners and key areas for intervention at COSOP level; to deepen the COSOP analysis at the design stage by generating interventions that support sustainable institutions and organizations, and progress
at implementation stage should be easier to monitor and evaluate effectively. 

A time of transition: Agricultural development and rural poverty reduction in the Near East and North Africa

novembre 2014
Since 1978, the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) has worked
with small-scale farmers in 122 countries and territories around the world to help
them overcome rural poverty and increase their food and nutrition security. IFAD
has invested a total of about US$15.6 billion in grants and low-interest loans to
developing countries, reaching more than 400 million people.
Agricultural development can be a major driver of poverty reduction. IFAD acts as
an advocate for poor rural people, helping to create an enabling environment – with
appropriate policies, know-how, finance, infrastructure and market access – for
them to improve their lives and livelihoods.

Investing in the future: Agricultural development and rural poverty reduction in Europe and Central Asia

novembre 2014

The International Fund for Agricultural Development works with small-scale farmers in 98 countries and territories around the world to help them overcome rural
poverty and increase food security. Since 1978, IFAD has invested over US$16 billion in grants and low-interest loans to projects that have reached more
than 430 million people.

Agricultural development can be a major driver of poverty reduction. IFAD acts as an advocate for poor rural people, helping to create an enabling
environment – with appropriate policies, know-how, finance, infrastructure and market access – for them to improve their lives and livelihoods.

Également disponible en: English, Russian

Toolkit: Strengthening smallholder institutions and organizations

novembre 2014
The “Strengthening smallholder institutions and organizations toolkit” provides valuable guidance to help practitioners analyze and address issues related to smallholder institutions and organizations during the devopment of country strategies and in the design and implementation of programmes and projects.

The Smallholder Advantage: A new way to put climate finance to work

novembre 2014

IFAD sees smallholder farmers as more than just victims of climate change: they are a vital part of the solution to the ‘wicked’ climate change problem.

How the United Nations System Supports Ambitious Action on Climate Change

novembre 2014
Climate change and sustainable development are the central challenges of our time. They are inseparably linked and need to be addressed together. Action to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and adapt to climate impacts is essential for ensuring sustainable development. At the same time, only sustainable development can provide the stable political, economic, social and environmental conditions that all countries need to address climate change successfully and
build carbon-neutral economies. This is why the UN system is fully committed to supporting the international community as it confronts climate change while working to build a sustainable world for the twenty-first century.

How to do note: Strengthen community-based natural resource management organizations

novembre 2014
Natural resources (land, water, forests, fisheries) are fundamental to the survival of rural people. The livelihoods of most poor people depend on agriculture, which in turn hinges on the continued productiveness of the land and availability of water resources. Land and water, in addition to forests, offer the compendium of ecological goods and services that smallholders in developing countries need for their economic development; they can also provide a safety net in times of crisis. These resources are also global public goods. Natural resources need to be managed sustainably not only on smallholder farms and in individual sectors (e.g. selected sources of water or forest reserves) but in the totality of ecosystems that support their existence.

Learning from each other: South-South and triangular cooperation in East and Southern Africa

octobre 2014
South-South and triangular cooperation (SSTC) has become an integral part of IFAD’s support to ESA programmes. The transfer of effective approaches and technologies enables countries of the South to join forces in meeting their aims of reducing rural poverty and ensuring food security. By using experts from other countries in project design, for instance, or setting up learning and sharing opportunities in the region, IFAD has helped foster such exchanges. 

Congo: Country Technical Notes on Indigenous Peoples’ Issues

octobre 2014

The indigenous population of the Republic of Congo (RC) include the Baka, Mbendjele, Mikaya, Luma, Gyeli, Twa and Babongo peoples. Depending on sources, these peoples represent a small minority of 1.25 to 10 percent of RC’s estimated population of 4.4 million, primarily of Bantu origin.

Leçons apprises: Développement des filières agricoles

octobre 2014
L’objet de cette note “Leçons apprises” est de partager avec les équipes chargées de la conception des projets filière des observations fondées sur les Leçons apprises du FIDA et des autres bailleurs de fonds qui pourraient les aider dans leur mission. 

Gender equality and women's empowerment - IFAD's work and results

octobre 2014
IFAD is committed to gender equality. Women embody half the talent and energy at any country’s disposal. That’s why greater gender equality leads to higher economic growth and better lives.

Toolkit: Lines of credit

octobre 2014
La ligne de crédit est un prêt consenti à une institution financière participante, qui en rétrocède le produit à ses clients sous forme de prêts assortis d’intérêts. 

Étude de cas: La méthode de la transformation familiale en Éthiopie

octobre 2014
Cette étude de cas illustre comment la méthode de la transformation familiale a été utilisée efficacement en Éthiopie, en soulignant comment elle a fonctionné dans un contexte particulier.

Étude de cas La conférence itinérante des hommes au Kenya

octobre 2014
Les études de cas présentent des interventions (du FIDA et d’autres organismes de développement) dans le cadre desquelles des méthodologies axées sur les ménages ont été utilisées efficacement, en précisant comment chacune d’entre elles a donné de bons résultats dans un contexte donné. 
